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Feminist protesters vs new Playboy club

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This thread has been great, but so hypocritical, by the feminists. If it wasn't funny, it would be sad. I can't understand how some can keep banging on about the same stuff, what they got out of some rubbish sociology book, and ignore the facts that-


I. Women choose to work there.

2. Women use men as sex objects in the same way by visiting sex shows with male performers.

3. There are lesbian strip clubs where women pay other women to take their cloths off.

4. Male Escorts, for women, are always in demand.


A little more respect for the women of Greenham Common would no doubt be given if they weren't so muddled in their thinking...

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I'll bet the farm that if I were to go to a strip club and ask anyone of the strippers why they do this for a living the answer would be something like

"I can make way more money doing this for a living that working my fingers to the bone for minimum wage and tips in some restaurant or in an office with the boss ogling my tits all day and earning peanuts"

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A little more respect for the women of Greenham Common would no doubt be given if they weren't so muddled in their thinking...


In what way do you think the Greenham women's thinking was muddled?

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Rubbish. How can you aspire if you're judged on what you were born with? You telling me unattractive people can't dance around a pole, unattractive people don't have a tush, dik, tits? The clubs are full of them, doesn't stop them dancing or pulling.

What if your qualification was the same as that of another as a brain surgeon, but you found that your competition won because you were seen as a hairy minger?


Of course unattractive people can dance round a pole and have your list of assets. However, would they land a job dancing around a pole??? Probably not.

As for your scenario, I don't have to worry about such things because:

1. I'm not going for a job as a brain surgeon

2. I'm not a hairy minger (Well, i'm definatly not hairy, whether i'm a minger or not is down to individual opinion!)

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In what way do you think the Greenham women's thinking was muddled?


Well, we've still got nukes. They were protesting about them at Greenham Common, so they failed. Seems like pretty muddled thinking. Mind you, they were mostly women, so hardly a great surprise:D.

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In what way do you think the Greenham women's thinking was muddled?


No. It's not clear what I put. I mean't the women of GC were of the same mindset of the protesters we discuss in this post. One was of course a just one. The other not so. I'll leave you to decide which way around I mean..:D

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