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Feminist protesters vs new Playboy club

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I think she should wait until she can finance it another way, for the greater good. And her future prospects. That is my honest opinion, just from experience of life as we have to live it now, and probably in the foreseeable future.


Whilever men are being allowed to retain the impression that whatever they want to do is perfectly reasonable and normal and just a bit of fun, we're going nowhere. Especially when there are women wanting to take advantage of them and reinforcing the stereotypes. :)


She's going to have to work a long time on minimum wage to be able to afford to do a 7 year medical degree.


How's that helping women's rights? You've just destroyed a woman's life and aspirations. That's not really helping women is it?:D

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I think she should wait until she can finance it another way, for the greater good. And her future prospects. QUOTE]




How do you work that one out?


How can someone go through University and not accumulate debt? when the new tuition fees kick in, people will leave uni with debt of £40000.


What about in a few years when afuture government increases fee to £25,000 a year?

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Try this one then - courtesy of Suffy -


''Playboy may not be as 'bad' as strip joints, lapdancing clubs etc, however, like lads' mags, Hooters and the like, it portrays the sexual objectification of women for male pleasure as harmless fun, totally normal and something that both women and men should buy into. This has a negative impact on all women.''


I've tried it, mulled it over, and decided, she's wrong, unfortunately..:D

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Well I didn't mean literally :D


I mean't your opinion on posts like this-


Originally Posted by Frank Sidney

This thread has been great, but so hypocritical, by the feminists. If it wasn't funny, it would be sad. I can't understand how some can keep banging on about the same stuff, what they got out of some rubbish sociology book, and ignore the facts that-


I. Women choose to work there.

2. Women use men as sex objects in the same way by visiting sex shows with male performers.

3. There are lesbian strip clubs where women pay other women to take their cloths off.

4. Male Escorts, for women, are always in demand.


1. I've dealt with this question in numerous different posts.

2. This has been addressed several times as not being the same at all, it's a totally different experience.

3. I don't know anything about lesbian strip clubs, however, the patriarchal power dynamic and issues between men and women and the attitudes towards women do not translate onto the lesbian scene.

4. Male escorts again are not the same. Very few women can afford them for a start, they are high end and they are not used solely for sex.


And what are you trying to prove with all your 'points'? That women fancy and appraise other men/women too? Er, yes we do, no one is denying that.

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What degree is she doing? a mickey mouse or something worth losing her own dignity for, and by association tarring all women with the brush of 'women as buyable commodity' at the same time?


My bold - because any woman that takes her clothes off for money can't be that intelligent eh?


And all the bad attitude towards women, it's all them womens fault that take their clothes off for money. Yes let's blame them. Blame the women.


What nice things for a femenist to say. Yes how dare anybody have bad attitudes towards women....oh, er, hang on....

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You feminists are just jealous because you can't do it.


Try it, you may be suprised


Wheres your dignity when your £1000s in debt?


When you got £1000s in the bank, people can't wait to kiss your a**. People will bend over backwards to accomodate you, the mortgage providers


"ar Miss Boobs - you got £50,000 to put down on your house, ar yes, we can certainly accomodate you"




" I see Miss Dignity, you are on the minimum wage, you have got £30,000 debt from university, you want a house, well get lost"


NOt to mention the banks that love to kick people when there down

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HA HA, get real.


Lose your dignity? these girls earn a fortune, whats undignified about earning a shedload of cash and paying your university fees outright?


NAR - tell you what, I'll get a job in an office where the girls who sleep with the boss can gain a supervisory position, an extra £50 a week

Money isn't everything, being true to your ideals means so much more. But if this is how you want to do it, go ahead. It makes no difference to me.


Re sleeping with the boss to get a raise, just because some women prostitute themselves to pervy men, doesn't mean you can't get through life as a successful woman, without following their example.


I hope you get a job, it's not easy in the present climate, even with a degree.

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1. I've dealt with this question in numerous different posts.

2. This has been addressed several times as not being the same at all, it's a totally different experience.

3. I don't know anything about lesbian strip clubs, however, the patriarchal power dynamic and issues between men and women and the attitudes towards women do not translate onto the lesbian scene.

4. Male escorts again are not the same. Very few women can afford them for a start, they are high end and they are not used solely for sex.



I would say they're both as bad as each other, or as good, depending on your opinion. Some women tend to have a victim mentality and claim issues in society as "womens issues" when they're not, they're issues concerning men and women..Some issues may effect women more than men, but to ignore the fact that men dancers are subject to the same "issues" that women are is a bit of a liberty.


If you will not accept this, then your argument just crumbles to dust, because you're not being fair..IMO...

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You have no evidence that they were.


And you have no evidence that they weren't.


'Scrubber' is a nasty perjorative term used by men who can't cope with the idea that women might actually be sexually independent and not subjugated by men.


It's the feminists that are against women exercising their "sexual independence" by objecting to these clubs, not me.


Seems like the "feminists" want "sexual independence" providing the women only express it in a manner they approve of.


This has a negative impact on all women.


Only in the narrow mind of the hypocrites.


According to this mentality, I should welcome aggressive sexual comments on the street when I walk home at night


Strip joints/private clubs don't make people make comments. That's just how some people are. No amount of "protesting" will ever change this (same as you can not stop people holding racist views - or expressing them).


I should not complain if a colleague makes sexual advances all because this type of male behaviour is considered to be normal, fun and harmless - and that's what women are there for.


Says whom?


Why do you think female politicians are constantly judged on their appearance and sex appeal, making it harder for them to do their jobs?


There have been many (what I would call) "not pretty" female politicians that have done pretty well.


Why are women lining up in their thousands to get expensive and potentially dangerous plastic surgery?


Because some women want to have this kind of treatment (as is their right).


Why do men think they have a right to access prostitutes


Who says we do (other than people with an agenda)?


No, of course this isn't all directly because of Playboy


Then you entire rant is invalid as this protest is against the actions of "Playboy".


this is an image and a belief that underlies all the problems and abuses outlined above and all sexual violence against women.


In your opinion.

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