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Feminist protesters vs new Playboy club

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So by that statement you'll admit that the problem is not a male generated one and women are to blame for the situation as well? Lets clear that up first..



Hang on now, she wouldn't be posting if the rule was applied.. :hihi:

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I never said that it was. The demand comes from men, obviously, the supply from women (and men). As I said many posts back, which came first? However, that still does not negate the theory that the sex industry has implications for women beyond it.


Well at last we agree. :D


I do admire the cut of your jib..


If I've offended you on this thread with possible sexist jibes I'd like to say, sorry love x

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I never said that it was. The demand comes from men, obviously, the supply from women (and men). As I said many posts back, which came first? However, that still does not negate the theory that the sex industry has implications for women beyond it.


What do you propose that we do about the sex industry?

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Clearly, no one has actually understand my objections (note, the word objections, never have I called for a ban or censorship). Ha, me an extremist, that gave me a real laugh, some people obviously do not have a clue about the various different schools of feminism, the rads wouldn't have me:roll:.


For every study which claims that there is no correlation between the proliferation of sex clubs and porn and the perception of women as sex objects, you will find at least two which have concluded the reverse. Kat Banyard's recent book The Equality Illusion, inter alia, lists plenty, including one case of continued sexual harassmant of women going about their everyday business in one particular spot from men leaving a lap dancing bar, when the club opened. There are plenty of other similar studies which have the same findings.

Unless the index of the Equality Illusion leaves something to be desired you are refering to an anecdote not a study and no studies citing the harm you claim are cited in the section o f the Equality Illusion which mention Lap Dancing clubs. The lack of any such citations is really rather telling Kat has long been fixated upon the sex industry (even the sympathetic Guardian review of her book picked up on this) and would have latched onto any study showing lap dance clubs do demonstrable harm, she couldn't though and so instead had to make do with an anecdote. An anecdote that your subconscious seems to have upgraded to a study.


Plek - Julie Bindel has the been on the receiving end of some utterly vile (and frankly disturbing as she has actually received death threats) vitriol from the transgendered community who has indulged in 'hate filled rants' about her because of her stance on gender reassignment surgery. Whilst I am not in total agreement with her, I have some sympathy with the rad fem view on this. Regardles of her stance on this issue or others (many of which I happen to disagree with) her views on religion and misogyny are spot on and I make no apology for agreeing with and supporting her on this issue

I've no doubt some of those targeted by the like of Richard Littlejohn go too far reacting to his attacks, does that justify his attacks?


Trans people didn't randomly start ranting about Bindel they did so after she she wrote in the Guardian many years ago which started all this An article which attacked trans people in the crudest of terms, in a manner she would have been rightly outraged at if lesbians had been the target it didnt; as you seem to think merely take a "stance on gender reassignment surgery". She then immediately followed that up by joining and trolling a trans support forum which was discussing her article, behaving in a many not unlike the assorted far right posters here did in a recent thread about transsexuals.


After that disgusting start she has kept up a steady attack for years now upon the trans people, though she has learnt to moderate her language somewhat and try and dress up her bigotry with supposed concerns about gender reasignment sugery. Concerns which seem about as genuine as anti-choicers supposed concerns that abortion causes cancer.


There are plenty of people who speak out about religion & misogyny who don't have a long record of attacking one of the most unfortunate, misunderstood, powerless and despised groups in our society.


The Egypt comparison is a good one as it highlights how cultures which are sexually oppressive and repressive and those where female over-sexualisation in the mainstream are unhealthy and both give rise to sexual harassment, yet both are at opposite extremes of the spectrum. It may be anecdotal, but having lived in the France where women are objectified sexually even more so than here, woman (in my personal experience) are harassed even more so than here. There may be other cultural factors here, however, this is an observation.

And your grounds for claiming that what you claim to be "female over-sexualisation in the mainstream" "give rise to sexual harassment" are what exactly?


Once again you have simply repeated your starting assumptions as if doing so proves them.


Holland and Scandinavian countries have long been known for having a much more relaxed attitude to pornography than the comparatively sexually repressed UK. Does all this porn mean Scandinavian women are amongst the most harassed in the world? If not why not?


Oh and talking of observations, my argument is a theory not a personal opinion or assertion. Nice try at belittling and undermining it guys.:roll:

Seems rather more of a failed hyposthesis than a theory to me.

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Holland and Scandinavian countries have long been known for having a much more relaxed attitude to pornography than the comparatively sexually repressed UK. Does all this porn mean Scandinavian women are amongst the most harassed in the world? If not why not?


I was actually shocked when I first went to Denmark in the late Eighties. It takes a lot to shock me.


I went into a newsagents shop and there was a video with a graphic cover of a pig and a woman on the shelves beneath the counter. This video was at toddler eye level next to the sweets.


But Denmark is a country with an exemplary sexual equality record. There is obviously something we are missing out on with our English puritanical viewpoint.

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Firstly, I'm not saying strip bars are the root and sole cause of sexual harrassment in this country. I said they contribute to the objectivism of women, which I said isn't a good thing.

And I'm asking you for evidence to back up your claims, yet again you haven't provided any.


A number of women on here seem to agree with this point. Which is fair because they are the ones suffering and being harassed not men!

Yet again you repeat your assertion that strip clubs cause harassment with no evidence to support your assertion. It doesn't matter how often you repeat something that doesn't magically make it so.


Lets get this straight, strip bars do nothing for social liberation. I haven't heard any evidence to the contrary.

Freedom in general is essential for emancipation in general, this includes the freedom to operate strip bars and to strip in strip bars.


Secondly, Comparing two different cultures and countries is completely pointless. I'm sure there are many reasons for sexual harassment in that particular country (egypt), culturally or otherwise. I doubt one of them is having more or less strip bars. I'm sure we could pick out another random country which has more strip bars than the UK and more sexual assaults. Doesnt prove a thing.

Actually it does prove something it proves that the situation is rather more complicated than your repeated baseless assertions allow for.


You can try to twist and dodge all you like that doesn't change the fact that the worst societies to be a woman in are those which amongst other things forbid pretty much any images of women. Whereas the best societies to be a woman in have no shortage of images of women and the proliferation of such images seems to have coincided with improvements in the lives of women.


Just like to add, if you enjoy going to strip bars- fair enough, thats your choice but be honest and say you like looking at tits. We all know you're not doing it to further social liberation. ROFL.:hihi::hihi:



PS. I'd also like to add I'm not pro-feminist. I believe these places are relieving men of their cash and women of their dignity. Get rid of them we would all be much better off.

It makes little difference if your hostility to the sex industry is motivated by radical feminism or by you simply being a reactionary prig, you've still yet to produce the slightest evidence to substantiate your claims.

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In conclusion it appears that feminists think women should be able to act in any legal way they wish in sexual terms.

Feminists object to establishments where women are allowed to do this.

Men are condemned IF they react because of the behaviour of some women.

We should not judge women for their behaviour.

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