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When did 'sperm donor' replace 'biological father'?

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A lot of women will get very ****** off at men insisting on wearing a condom in a relationship. Having a contraceptive pill that men can take and women have no control over will put reproduction entirely back in the control of men again. Which is why it hasn't come to fruition yet.
What sort of relationship? A woman who doesn't insist on a man wearing a condom, unless they've both been checked and can be certain that they're monogamous in a long term relationship, is taking a foolish risk with her health. Condoms aren't required just as a contraceptive these days.


But presumably the woman would be taking a pill as well, if she doesn't want to get pregnant. Streamline was referring to a woman who wants to get pregnant in defiance of the man, I presumed, and the man protecting himself from an unwanted pregnancy?

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<removed>, pure and simple. What you base your claims on are media fabrication.

Err... no, experience actually.

My own and that of many other women I know of. On the other hand I don't know of any fathers left by their wives to bring up their children.

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Quite often see a lot of posts on here referring to the biological father of a child as 'sperm donor'.


Often this is in threads which aim to take as much money off of the absent parent as possible.


When did people start referring to the father of their children as 'sperm donor's?


Is the welfare state at fault?


A friend of mine works and earns £200 a week, his ex partner with whom he has a child, left him and gets £250 a week in benefits. In addition he pays her £30 a week, looks after the child 2 days a week, buy clothes etc.

In the case of my friend, his ex-partner is far better off financially than she would be with him.


These 'sperm donors' can be very lucrative if milked correctly, so to speak.


Is this through the CSA?


If so, he needs to tell them the child stays with him twice a week. The figure you give is correct, but only if the child never stays overnight with him.

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When did people start referring to the father of their children as 'sperm donor's


I've referred to mine as such since I was 21 (nearly 24 years ago) after I met him for the first time in 18 years, he left me and my 1 year old brother with our mum and didn't hear a peep from him until my brother traced him as he was getting married, five minutes and we never heard from him again.


Sounds like a sperm donor to me.

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I was quite shocked when I heard that my Grand-daughter uses this term in reference to her father. But then, when he has to be reminded of his childrens birthdays and never bothers to send them a card and his reaction to an excited phone call from her telling him that she has passed her driving test is met by a "oh you could have sent me a text" response, is there any wonder.

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Do women have to pay maintenance if the child stays with the father, has that ever even happened ?


Yes, and yes it does indeed happen... I have never known a absent mother not pay maintenance, but I have known absent fathers not pay - That said, mothers aren't absent as often... Most stay, even if they don't want to, as society sees absent mothers as unnatural, whereas absent dad's are fine...

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Err... no, experience actually.

My own and that of many other women I know of. On the other hand I don't know of any fathers left by their wives to bring up their children.


I do, and the mother is a waste of space, he has 5 children under 10, one who has Asbergers and is a mathematical genius. He has undergone a triple bypass in the last 12 months, recovered from a stroke that left him unable to speak and every child has 100% attendance for the last school year. Mum walked out on Xmas Day 3 years ago and left him to it :loopy:


A sterling bloke and doing a great job with his amazing children.

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