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No of households where no one has ever worked doubled under Labour

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On a daft "terrorists are everywhere ticket" but promoted easy sex outside marriage.

They didn't promote it, they just stopped stigmatising it.

Look at tax equality for married or unmarried couples.

Something that is entirely correct, marriage is a religious issue, nothing to do with the state.




There is such a pill but it's clear ineffective. Probably because the tarts most likely to breed wild b'stards are too stupid to take it.

It isn't ineffective, and if you bothered to check you'd see that the teen pregnancy rate has fallen for 3 or 4 decades now... Teen pregnancy being a corollary for unwanted/unplanned.


Freedom is a fine idea unless it destroys or hurts someone or society.

The freedom to shag around is damaging British society but many are far too stupid to see that.

It isn't damaging society, and even if it were it's a key freedom, to do with our bodies what we like, you'd need a massive level of justification to interfere with it and that justification simply doesn't exist.

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Because that idiot bunch of cretins we refer to as "the Labour party" along with an assortment of other left wing idiots have promoted "freedom".

That freedom has included the ideal of shagging around without any thought of marriage.

That produces B'tard children with no idea of right from wrong because the single parent mother has sod all idea herself. It only takes a couple of generations of fatherless brats to get into drug use and further shagging to produce a society of worthless layabout criminal kids.


No family unit means no stability and that means the little gets do whatever they want. Look outside your window and see who's slashing your tyres or keying your car. Some b'stard brat who was never shown how to live in a reasonable society.

All thanks to idiot left wing cretins and their ruddy daft ideas.

Thats it then back to the good old days when women had to be subservient and not enjoy anything unless their husbands told them to..oh I forgot upinwath will still abide by those rules today.

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