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No of households where no one has ever worked doubled under Labour

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Minimum wage is fine - people with low skills and ability should not expect the trappings of success.


Benefits should be lower - people who are not working should be provided only with vouchers for essential food and utility bills, not cash. There should never be a single individual on benefits who can afford cigarettes, alcohol, holidays or DVDs. These are all luxuries and not something that the should be funded by others' hard work.


Benefits are lower in real terms than they were in times past. Minimum wage often works out at not much more than benefits.

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It's not an effective "tax" rate when you talk about removing benefits, although the marginal loss of income is >100% as you say.

That will change once the unified benefits system is introduced though won't it!

The minimum wage can't be raised without impacting the entire economy, so maybe benefits should be lowered. At the very least nobody should ever loose money by doing additional work, no matter how much or little of it.



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How is it the Labour parties fault for so many single parent families :huh:


Relationships between couples with children end for all sorts of reasons.


Because that idiot bunch of cretins we refer to as "the Labour party" along with an assortment of other left wing idiots have promoted "freedom".

That freedom has included the ideal of shagging around without any thought of marriage.

That produces B'tard children with no idea of right from wrong because the single parent mother has sod all idea herself. It only takes a couple of generations of fatherless brats to get into drug use and further shagging to produce a society of worthless layabout criminal kids.


No family unit means no stability and that means the little gets do whatever they want. Look outside your window and see who's slashing your tyres or keying your car. Some b'stard brat who was never shown how to live in a reasonable society.

All thanks to idiot left wing cretins and their ruddy daft ideas.

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And you dont think this organisation would put any spin on the figures?


A public policy blog from the TUC, Trades Union Congress.


As many people say on here time again, figures are interpreted differently according to who is doing the looking.


My point was that the full picture hasn't emerged and asking just 89 young people a question about whether the FJF was beneficial isn't representative and cant be conclusive in saying that the FJF was good value for money for the taxpayer.

They may have developed skills and may have more of a chance of getting a job now than before, but bums on seats in jobs or tax to the treasury is how a scheme is measured as successful and keeping those young people in employment long term is another matter altogether.


I would expect the TUC to be biased towards solutions that work.


As for your point the full picture hasn't emerged.... That only strengthens my point that the decision made to scrap it was not made based on the best interests of the unemployed, workers and of society.


What evidence we now have indicates that decision was false and is damaging to the objective of getting people in to work, something that will be exacerbating our economic problems.

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Because that idiot bunch of cretins we refer to as "the Labour party" along with an assortment of other left wing idiots have promoted "freedom".

That freedom has included the ideal of shagging around without any thought of marriage.

That produces B'tard children with no idea of right from wrong because the single parent mother has sod all idea herself. It only takes a couple of generations of fatherless brats to get into drug use and further shagging to produce a society of worthless layabout criminal kids.


No family unit means no stability and that means the little gets do whatever they want. Look outside your window and see who's slashing your tyres or keying your car. Some b'stard brat who was never shown how to live in a reasonable society.

All thanks to idiot left wing cretins and their ruddy daft ideas.


So we have lefties to thank for the ability of women to flee relationships that have gone wrong?... Well I think you are wrong to say that is solely a lefty position and you do the right a disservice to exclude them after all most people would welcome that because they know the damage that can be caused to children growing up in failed constantly bickering families.

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Because that idiot bunch of cretins we refer to as "the Labour party" along with an assortment of other left wing idiots have promoted "freedom".

Labour spent a decade trying to erode personal freedom, they're about as authoritarian and anti libertarian as any party in the UK.

That freedom has included the ideal of shagging around without any thought of marriage.

That produces B'tard children with no idea of right from wrong because the single parent mother has sod all idea herself. It only takes a couple of generations of fatherless brats to get into drug use and further shagging to produce a society of worthless layabout criminal kids.

If only we could invent some form of pill that made it possible to have sex without conceiving. :roll:


No family unit means no stability and that means the little gets do whatever they want. Look outside your window and see who's slashing your tyres or keying your car. Some b'stard brat who was never shown how to live in a reasonable society.

All thanks to idiot left wing cretins and their ruddy daft ideas.

Personal freedom, what a stupid idea. Except when it applies to you I suppose.

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I would expect the TUC to be biased towards solutions that work.


As for your point the full picture hasn't emerged.... That only strengthens my point that the decision made to scrap it was not made based on the best interests of the unemployed, workers and of society.


What evidence we now have indicates that decision was false and is damaging to the objective of getting people in to work, something that will be exacerbating our economic problems.


What about the interests of you and me the taxpayer. Dont they count?

We dont actually have any concrete evidence so how can it indicate the decision was false. The reports you quoted are largely ambiguous and not continuing a scheme funded by taxpayers without concrete evidence is sensible until the full picture emerges.

Of course we need young people to be employed but subsidised schemes that make the figures look better isnt the answer.


The bigger picture needs to be assessed. Raising standards in education for the many young people who leave our education system with no qualifications is an absolute priority in my opinion.And I certainly dont just mean academic qualifications.

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So we have lefties to thank for the ability of women to flee relationships that have gone wrong?...


You tell me. You made it up, I didn't say that at all.

That leaves two possibilities.

You made it up because you're too stupid to read and understand a post.

You made it up because you think other posters are stupid and will believe I said it because you said I did.


Either way - it's a crap way of debating.

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Labour spent a decade trying to erode personal freedom, they're about as authoritarian and anti libertarian as any party in the UK..


On a daft "terrorists are everywhere ticket" but promoted easy sex outside marriage.

Look at tax equality for married or unmarried couples.


If only we could invent some form of pill that made it possible to have sex without conceiving. :roll:

Personal freedom, what a stupid idea. Except when it applies to you I suppose.


There is such a pill but it's clear ineffective. Probably because the tarts most likely to breed wild b'stards are too stupid to take it.


Freedom is a fine idea unless it destroys or hurts someone or society.

The freedom to shag around is damaging British society but many are far too stupid to see that.

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Depressing statistics for Labour.

Wonder why if they were available in January it has taken till now to get to know about them?




There was a story about Liverpool not long back, a third of households had nobody in work there. I cannot imagine living on a street where every third house nobody worked, unless I was uber wealthy living in a mega rich area and didn't need to, along with my wealthy neighbours.

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