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A very weird experience !!

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Could be several explanations apart from deja vu: you were driving round in a circle without realising it; you went past two different places that looked very similar; or you were abducted into a UFO and probed deeply by aliens who then reversed time and put you back in your car. Probably just deja vu though.

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Could be several explanations apart from deja vu: you were driving round in a circle without realising it; you went past two different places that looked very similar; or you were abducted into a UFO and probed deeply by aliens who then reversed time and put you back in your car. Probably just deja vu though.


None of these are correct.:)

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I was driving through Derbyshire today, when I passed a familiar place. Later on I drove through the same place AGAIN, and realised that I had only passed the place the first time in my MIND. This has happened to me before, and is really weird.


Well odd Pattricia! What about this for spooky? - My O.H. and me had a weird experience driving through narrow winding lanes in Derbyshire a few years ago. We had been driving for quite a while when we came across a beautiful old wrought iron gate hanging off its hinges which led up a disused driveway to an ivy swathed derelict Tudor house.


We had our picnic in the heat of the afternoon by a moss covered bird table in the centre of the over-grown garden where wild flowers had mingled with Roses and Hollyhocks etc. My girlfriend kept asking me if I could hear music but music was the last thing on my mind!! Idyllic - it absolutely was.


Here’s the odd bit. After our picnic (and some naughtiness) we left, vowing to return soon – which we did – or at least, we tried but we just couldn’t find the place despite driving around for hours!


None of the people we asked had ever heard of an empty Tudor house anywhere in the area and though we attempted many times, we never found the house and garden again. Did sweet summer wines create our dream? Yeah, most likely - we were just p***ed again!!

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I was driving through Derbyshire today, when I passed a familiar place. Later on I drove through the same place AGAIN, and realised that I had only passed the place the first time in my MIND. This has happened to me before, and is really weird.


Can anyone explain this, or has it happened to you ? Its like seeing into the future.


It's a common occurrence Pat ... don't worry about it!


As a scientist, I've made many studies on this phenomena. Basically ... the space time continuum is like drawing a line on a loop of paper with a biro ... it's never ending.


The thing is ... to make a loop of paper, you have to sellotape one end to the other which, although it works, the biro ink doesn't stick really well to the sellotape ... same with the space/time continuum!

Imagine driving your car (biro) through a loop in the space/time continuum (paper) ... you could drive forever! (petrol stations permitting, but that's just being pedantic)

The two ends of it though are (for the sake of argument) just sellotaped together (actually wood glue, but let's not complicate things)

I think it's fairly easy to see that the car tyres could easily skid here on the sellotape and cause a 'jump' in space/time (much like a needle on an old gramaphone disk, if you like)

This would explain your little conundrum quite exquisitely. You could quite easily skip back and forth through time on the slippery sellotape (wood glue) of the 'joint' ... thus re-visiting where you've just come from!


Now, as I've explained ... I am a scientist and have spent quite a fair amount of time studying this phenomena. The 'joint' is unequivocally in Derbyshire and I've published several papers on the subject, most recently in 'Brainy Boys Bi-monthly', which comes out twice a year in October.


In it, I've detailed such events as 'Chatsworth Conundrum', 'Bamford triangle', Curbar Rectangle', 'Matlock Matrix', 'Padley Problem' and of course the 'Grindleford Gateway'


Read up on this stuff and it'll put your mind at ease!

Hope I've been of assistance to your little problem,

Yours ... alco. :)

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