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A very weird experience !!

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I was driving through Derbyshire today, when I passed a familiar place. Later on I drove through the same place AGAIN, and realised that I had only passed the place the first time in my MIND. This has happened to me before, and is really weird.


Can anyone explain this, or has it happened to you ? Its like seeing into the future.


Ive had a couple of dreams like that, and when its actually happened only then i realise that i dreamt about it before it did.

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Ive had a couple of dreams like that, and when its actually happened only then i realise that i dreamt about it before it did.

same here, but its usually really boring things like, dropping a slice of toast on the floor or putting the lottery on

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lol no my dreams are bit more scary than that, remember the guy that was found dead on page hall recently, i had a dream the night before that i was driving round the roundbabout in page hall and saw ambulances and police attending a body that was covered with blood.

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snip ... I often see things that should be very familiar and they aren't! Buildings I see everyday that are suddenly alien! It seems that the brain is a very strange thing indeed, but that the OP and myself may have more to worry about than those who experience dejavu, as this happens to all of us at some point, but driving on autopilot and seeing what isn't there or not recognising things that should be familiar is worrying!


That would be jamais vu

Often described as the opposite of déjà vu, jamais vu involves a sense of eeriness and the observer's impression of seeing the situation for the first time, despite rationally knowing that he or she has been in the situation before.




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lol no my dreams are bit more scary than that, remember the guy that was found dead on page hall recently, i had a dream the night before that i was driving round the roundbabout in page hall and saw ambulances and police attending a body that was covered with blood.


Are you sure you hadn't been 'sleep driving' it happens you know ?

I'd check your bumpers .you might have clipped him on your outward journey then seen the ambulance n that when coming round a little on the return,then sleep walked back to bed.


Happened to my mate.:hihi:

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It's a common occurrence Pat ... don't worry about it!


As a scientist, I've made many studies on this phenomena. Basically ... the space time continuum is like drawing a line on a loop of paper with a biro ... it's never ending.


The thing is ... to make a loop of paper, you have to sellotape one end to the other which, although it works, the biro ink doesn't stick really well to the sellotape ... same with the space/time continuum!

Imagine driving your car (biro) through a loop in the space/time continuum (paper) ... you could drive forever! (petrol stations permitting, but that's just being pedantic)

The two ends of it though are (for the sake of argument) just sellotaped together (actually wood glue, but let's not complicate things)

I think it's fairly easy to see that the car tyres could easily skid here on the sellotape and cause a 'jump' in space/time (much like a needle on an old gramaphone disk, if you like)

This would explain your little conundrum quite exquisitely. You could quite easily skip back and forth through time on the slippery sellotape (wood glue) of the 'joint' ... thus re-visiting where you've just come from!


Now, as I've explained ... I am a scientist and have spent quite a fair amount of time studying this phenomena. The 'joint' is unequivocally in Derbyshire and I've published several papers on the subject, most recently in 'Brainy Boys Bi-monthly', which comes out twice a year in October.


In it, I've detailed such events as 'Chatsworth Conundrum', 'Bamford triangle', Curbar Rectangle', 'Matlock Matrix', 'Padley Problem' and of course the 'Grindleford Gateway'


Read up on this stuff and it'll put your mind at ease!

Hope I've been of assistance to your little problem,

Yours ... alco. :)


Are you related to Robert Rankin?

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Are you sure you hadn't been 'sleep driving' it happens you know ?

I'd check your bumpers .you might have clipped him on your outward journey then seen the ambulance n that when coming round a little on the return,then sleep walked back to bed.


Happened to my mate.:hihi:


hahaha no that cant be possible, i know i have sleep walkers in my family but im pretty sure i dont do that:suspect:

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Are you related to Robert Rankin?


How very astute of you!

Rankin' Robert is indeed my uncle! Your comment (above) bought back so many long lost memories ... thank you! I'm wallowing in reverie as I type! (a slight tear in my eye if I may say so)


Uncle 'Rank' used to take me out every Saturday afternoon to the matinee at the local cinema in Parsons Green (coincidentally ... the Rank)

Here, we spent many happy an hour guffawing and cajoling in front of the likes of Laurel and Hardy and the keystone cops on the silver screen.

Much later in life I realised this must have been in the 1970's ... the cheating b******s at the cinema had just been showing repeats for the last 50 years! ... nothing a small incendiary device didn't put right though!


After the cinema we used to walk gleefully through Hyde Park to Potters Bar and into the 'Potters Bar', a local establishment selling fine ales and ginger beer (for me ... I was only sixteen!)

It was here at the 'Potters', through happenstance and good tidings, I met the (very young) J.K Rowling.

Oh ... those heady days! J.K and me became inseparable! I told her about my 'wizard' ideas through halcyon days of laughter, picnics and ungirdled debauchery ... the rest is history!

Uncle Rankin left us to our own hedonistic devices and sadly, this is where I lost contact with him.

Thanks for bringing back the lovely memories though! :)

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About 30 odd years ago when I was a kid there was a fish and chip shop an Abbeydale road called Rafos its long gone now though,one day I went for some chips there and as I stood there waiting I decided to scratch my name and evan the date and the name of my then girlfriend on the corner of the counter,a few years ago we were in Cyprus on holiday and walked into this dona kebab shop in Larnica and as I was stood at the counter I got this strange feeling come over me like I had been here before, as I kooked around I noticed made in Sheffield on the counter,I looked at the counter and it looked familiar,I ran my eyes along the edge and sure enough there was my name still there and clear scratched on the corner of the counter.

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How very astute of you!

Rankin' Robert is indeed my uncle! Your comment (above) bought back so many long lost memories ... thank you! I'm wallowing in reverie as I type! (a slight tear in my eye if I may say so)


Uncle 'Rank' used to take me out every Saturday afternoon to the matinee at the local cinema in Parsons Green (coincidentally ... the Rank)

Here, we spent many happy an hour guffawing and cajoling in front of the likes of Laurel and Hardy and the keystone cops on the silver screen.

Much later in life I realised this must have been in the 1970's ... the cheating b******s at the cinema had just been showing repeats for the last 50 years! ... nothing a small incendiary device didn't put right though!


After the cinema we used to walk gleefully through Hyde Park to Potters Bar and into the 'Potters Bar', a local establishment selling fine ales and ginger beer (for me ... I was only sixteen!)

It was here at the 'Potters', through happenstance and good tidings, I met the (very young) J.K Rowling.

Oh ... those heady days! J.K and me became inseparable! I told her about my 'wizard' ideas through halcyon days of laughter, picnics and ungirdled debauchery ... the rest is history!

Uncle Rankin left us to our own hedonistic devices and sadly, this is where I lost contact with him.

Thanks for bringing back the lovely memories though! :)


You are a plant from the Ministry of Serendipity, and I claim my Hollow Chocolate Bunny.

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