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32 year old male wishes to learn a martial Art

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I have read with interest many of the topics on martial arts and dont feel I have the "answer"....so experts out there please help


I am a overweight 32 old married average Joe, both my wife and eldest son (13) both do TKD in Rotherham, very impressed with the teaching (what I have seen) and both are thoroughly enjoying it.


I can not go to their class, as I look after our other chimps and truefully dont want embarrasing by my wife ! (blue belt)Additionally I wish to keep away from their "interest" and do my own !!


So looking for a lesson on Mondays if possible (ideally), where overweight, unfit, balding absolute beginner will be made welcome.


Any helpful info will be welcomed





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Would do TKD, just not with the family !, no specific "art", however I aint feeling competative, I am well aware I am not a young starter, however not to old either !!!!


Certainly no weapons, something to give me an interest (other than loud rock and beer), not too competative...but certainly not relaxing.


Ideally a martial art, where I will gain confidence, fitness and ability, learning how to punch/kick rather than throwing (grappling = judo ??) and probably something practical rather than arty.


Sorry if this makes no logical sense, it is hard to explain what I want...


And a big thanks for the prompt reply:thumbsup: :thumbsup:



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Kick boxing / muay thai or boxing are all very effective but may be to sports oriented for you. JKD should give you a good all round art - it's pretty intensive and will get you fit, gives you a good grounding in punching/kicking and also some grappling and weapons techniques (the user jay_kd runs classes at The Source near Meadow Hell) Other than that Mantis Kung Fu or Wing Chun (talk to Davemantis about these) sound like they would be good choices.

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TKD is at Hillsborough Leisure centre on Mondays at 7.30 ( I think - you might wanna check).


There's a mixture of kids and adults and there's usually a beginner or two. It's hard work but basically you just do what you can.


There's also a Tang Soo Do class at Stocksbridge Leisure Centre on Mondays. I've been to it and really enjoyed it but realised I prefer TKD. I mention that one because I noticed a larger presence of middle aged people there! The two martial arts are quite similar up to a certain point but the sparring in TKD is quicker with more contact. Tang Soo Do seems a bit more old fashioned to me - but maybe that's just cos I wasn't very good at sparring...


Good luck!

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Originally posted by jay_kd

Cyclone it depends on the TKD format WTF can't punch to the head but ITF and TAGB can. thats how it was when i trained in TKD long time ago.


I went to the class at hillsborough a few years ago, so I guess it's wtf as they wouldn't let you punch to the head.

It was a good workout, but of no use in self defence at all.

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thats riht ITF/TAGB allow head punches & head kicks(but its semi contact)

WTF allwos head kicks but NO face punching but the kicks are full contact


They both run each other down a lot i have noticed BUT they both have plus and minus points.


I find the WTF kicks are good and strong BUT their defense on ehad punches sucks

WTF prefer the rear leg


The ITF/TAGB have fast legs and like to fiht long range

especially the side kick they prefer the lead leg.


Both can be dangeorus really from a long range.

If you ever fight a TKD guy keep that guard high and tight!!!

Watch them head kicks!

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