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32 year old male wishes to learn a martial Art

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One major aspect of kickboxing and TKD as well as a lot of the other arts is kicking. While quite powerful and effective, it does require a lot of flexibility and agility.


I personally think a great way into the different types of budo is to try Aikido. It is an inherently non-aggressive martial art that fits in well with the general British frame of mind. It does not require (well, at least not initially) great physical fitness or flexibility.


You would begin by learning how to fall and roll. This is shared with Judo, my second recommendation. This skill is useful outside of the dojo - I've see aikidoka slip and fall on the ice and rolling without thinking about it and seen young kids falling off a skateboard at walking pace and breaking bones. I've taken a bad spill of a speeding motorcycle and suffered only abrasions :o

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Being an older guy having returned to martial arts after 15 years, best advice I can give you is be flexible. Don't make any quick decisions, go to several clubs. Especially as you don't seem to be too focussed in on one particular style.


For me the dojo is an essential part of the decision. Consider the mix of students. One of the clubs I went to first on returning trained juniors and adults at the same time. Parents walked in smoking half way through! Both reasons I didn't go back.


Maybe give yourself a couple of months to just scan the area and join in a few sessions

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I completely agree with garryn ,try stuff out, see what works, most places offer free first lessons, so you not loosing out.


Just to let you know, Gracie Barra Sheffield train on monday and wednesday nights 6-8


Brazilian Jiu jitsu is a grappling based art, and can offer quite a lot to beginers and advanced players.


Anyway the choice is yours, but try a bit of everything:thumbsup:

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I REALLY hope you have your asbestos underwear on after that :P


Serious point for Pete though - you don't have "the answer" because it doesn't exist! You will notice we are all partial towards the art we train in but just cos art X works for you thats no guarentee that it will work for anyone else! Martial arts is one of the many areas where you must take everyones comments with a huge heap of salt!!!

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LOL davemantis

we all know youre a mantis

naah just live in a shaloin temple and break bricks with your head :P


just pullin yer leg mantis


OK this is why kickboxing (our club in particular)

Boxing punching = the fastest ,strognest and the best

Boxing footwork= best for evasion

Speed kicking = Takewondo based

Power kicking = Thai style , kicking with the shin and the knee (a knee to the teeth hurts! so do knees to the groin:P)


Support system = as a back up plan we also do elbow strikes and a lot of self defense based techniques (mostly on our sunday class when big andy teaches) and a few grappling maneuvres.


see for yourself


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Originally posted by Shiro

I personally think a great way into the different types of budo is to try Aikido. It is an inherently non-aggressive martial art that fits in well with the general British frame of mind. It does not require (well, at least not initially) great physical fitness or flexibility.


You would begin by learning how to fall and roll. This is shared with Judo, my second recommendation. This skill is useful outside of the dojo - I've see aikidoka slip and fall on the ice and rolling without thinking about it and seen young kids falling off a skateboard at walking pace and breaking bones. I've taken a bad spill of a speeding motorcycle and suffered only abrasions :o


Falling and rolling is also taught in traditional and Brazilain Jiu Jitsu. I'm intrigued by your comment about fitting in with the general British frame of mind though, could you expand a bit on that?



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