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Weight Watchers Online

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I had a baby almost 10 months ago now and am struggling to lose the weight. I am just looking on Weight Watchers website and thing of joining up, but not going to meetings just doing the online one.


Has anyone tried this or know of anyone? Does it work? Would really appreciate any feedback as am getting a bit desperate now!


I have tried diets but i have just got no willpower and love my chocolate and crisps, and i know that with weight watchers you can still eat their chocolate and stuff!


Thanks x

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Slimming world wasn't going to work for me, as I can't commit to only eating certain foods on certain days, as I work all over the place and have to buy what I can get come lunch time - I did do WW online 6 years ago, lost 7 stone in six months on points (points is a slightly different system these days, I understand) and it was so simple as I was 100% commited and went to the gym 5 nights a week for a hour plus too... Now just do the gym to keep the fat at bay... You do have to commit to exercise and diet though - one doesn't shift the fat without the other...

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Hi gine89 I've also tried the Weight Watchers diet (sorry not the one online), actually I have tried it a few times over the years, and although it did work whilst I was on it when I stopped I put every pound I lost back on plus extra! I haven't tried Slimming World but know some friends that do it and it works for them. I myself have been going to a gym 3 times a week (with my auntie) and for the last 8 weeks I have been following a programme of weights and cardio made up for me by one of the gym instructors (I am there for roughly 1 1/2 to 2 hrs at a time) and I have lost 1 stone and dropped a dress size. I am trying to eat little and often, the hardest thing for me is remembering to eat breakfast (which I used to skip) and actually remembering to snack in-between on fruit so I don’t reach for the goodies or eat a large plateful when my main dinner/tea is ready!


So I haven't been dieting as such (what I mean to say is I haven't cut anything out just cut down! this includes all the goodies and I am abit of a chocoholic myself!) I am just watching what I eat and when I eat it and I try to be good all week and have takeaway and goodies on weekends only and I try my hardest to stick to it even though it is hard (because I buy goodies in for the kids) but its worth it!.


I know it’s always harder to say than to do, especially with a small child as I have 2 children of my own and it sometimes feels like there aren't enough hours in the day for me. I have always struggled to lose weight and have steadily over the years put more and more on but I seem to have found something that works for me without having to give up chocolate altogether!.


Hope you find something that works as good for you.


Good Luck

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I can't speak for Weight Watchers, but I'm a member of slimming world.

The idea behind it is that you're training to eat healthily, not just loose weight; if you follow the plan then healthy eating will become away of life, and therefore you'll never put the weight back on (as well as all them other benefits like living longer and happier and helping with mental health and all that).


What I would say is that whether you choose SW or WW, you should go to group. I am assuming that WW groups are like SW groups, though I may be wrong (comments anyone?), but in the SW groups, as scary as they are when you first join, you soon find out that everybody is just as excited about your weight loss as you are. Nobody there feels any embarrasment about their weight, even if they're really struggling, because everybody there understands what it's like to struggle with cravings.


If embarasment is your only reason for not wanting to go to group, then all I can say is give it a try, you'll find you're amongst friends.


As a footnote, my Mrs runs a Slimming World group and her stats show that on average those who stay to group loose 3 times more than those who just get weighed and go.

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