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Help needed to remember greaves st

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Hi robertathome - very few Kelly's directories are available on the Internet, but I happen to have some of the books. I looked in the 1942 and 1968 directories, but no occupants of Hattersley Street are shown. However, looking in the directories, and also at old maps, it is clear that Hattersley Street was a short street leading off from the west (i.e. Walkley) side of Grammar Street, with Poplar Street and Gould Street leading off from Hattersley Street. I can only guess that these three streets consisted of back-to-back or "court" houses. For some strange reason, the occupants of these properties were not listed by Kelly's. Sorry!.:(

Is it true hillsbro that people had to pay to be in the Trade Directories so that's why ever number on a road isn't listed? Thanks for the information about the 1925 Kelly's Directory on CD by the way. I will definitely look into purchasing it . :)

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Is it true hillsbro that people had to pay to be in the Trade Directories...
Hi Rivelin6 - I have never heard of a charge being made for ordinary householders to be included in the "street addresses" section of Kelly's directories (if they did have to pay, I suspect that these sections would be much thinner and of limited use). Certainly, my parents and our neighbours in Dykes Hall Road never paid anything to be listed, but we are shown in Kelly's directories right until the last one of 1974. But it's true that some householders are not shown every year - perhaps the properties were empty, or data was somehow not available.


One question that nobody has ever been able to answer for me is - how did Kelly's define a "private resident"? In the 1942 directory, for example, the "Sheffield Alphabetical " section is as thick as the "Sheffield Streets" section, but by 1968 the alphabetical section had become the "Alphabeticall (Private Residents) Directory" and was much thinner. Some people are shown and some are not. The people shown tend to be at up-marklet addresses, though exactly how they got to be listed is a mystery to me..:confused:

Edited by hillsbro
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Hi Rivelin6 - I have never heard of a charge being made for ordinary househloders to be included in the "street addresses" section of Kelly's directories (if they did have to pay, I suspect that these sections would be much thinner and of limited use). Certainly, my parents and our neighbours in Dykes Hall Road never paid anything to be listed, but we are shown in Kelly's directories right until the last one of 1974. But it's true that some householders are not shown every year - perhaps the properties were empty, or data was somehow not available.


One question that nobody has ever been able to answer for me is - how did Kelly's define a "private resident"? In the 1942 directory, for example, the "Sheffield Alphabetical " section is as thick as the "Sheffield Streets" section, but by 1968 the alphabetical section had become the "Alphabeticall (Private Residents) Directory" and was much thinner. Some people are shown and some are not. The people shown tend to be at up-marklet addresses, though exactly how they got to be listed is a mystery to me..:confused:


Certainly a mystery, maybe they changed their policy over they years. Someone told me or I read somewhere recently that you had to pay to be in it. Actually I think it was when we were on an historical tour of Burngreave graveyard last weekend with Albert J Jackson. Someone asked about the directories and that's what he said. I will check this out with him when I see him next as he does a number of historical walks for the walking group I'm involved in.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Butcher family lived in Greaves St ....one of their sons Jim was my uncle he lived at 45 with his wife Vera...both now passed away..bless. His mum and dad had also lived in the street for years, they also had a son called Lol and a daughter whose name I have forgotten.

I remember a Mrs Paramore aswell who lived at 43 I think...I remember the outside toilets.... Brrrrr a bit cold in winter....


My aunt and uncle moved out to flats near the Grindstone Pub when the houses were demolished/

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Hi Rivelin6 - I have never heard of a charge being made for ordinary househloders to be included in the "street addresses" section of Kelly's directories (if they did have to pay, I suspect that these sections would be much thinner and of limited use). Certainly, my parents and our neighbours in Dykes Hall Road never paid anything to be listed, but we are shown in Kelly's directories right until the last one of 1974. But it's true that some householders are not shown every year - perhaps the properties were empty, or data was somehow not available.



I think at least one person on the street had to pay to be included and then the rest of the tennants in the other houses were included.

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Kelly's didn't make a charge for private householders, but businesses had to pay to be included - at least in the classified section. The directories were quite pricey, and so much of the profit would have come from this source. Like "hillsboro" I also have never understood how Kelly's defined a "private resident" - certainly there was a difference between inclusion in the old "Alphabetical" section (which seemed to include every householder) and what was later called the "Private Residents" directory.

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