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Self defence or child abuse..you decide.

Whose fault is this?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Whose fault is this?

    • The teacher.....she should be sacked and thrown in the slammer
    • The student.....he should be hung, drawn and quartered
    • Both of them.....any form of aggressive/violent behaviour should not be tolerated
    • Who gives a toss.....they're American, it's naturally a violent society so it's only to be expected.

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Meant to reply earlier, but I've been away, six45ive :)

Not at all.<etc.>
That may have been how the system worked over here in those times, and previously. I believe it worked the same over in France.


All the same, you appear to abstract the impact of economical changes in the intervening years, wherein the need for factory fodder has been gradually replaced with the need for office fodder instead. The educational system has adapted its cursus acordingly, and -I expect- the pedagogy that goes with it. My (simple) point is that I do not believe that it needed to adapt its disciplinarian methods as well.

Which is basically what I said in the post that you've just responded to.
So, we are in agreement on some aspects of the topic, but not others, and we are having a (I like to think 'constructive') discussion.


Why the aggro (and language) in the rest of your post, then ?:huh:


I fully agree that respect has to be earned, but (i) it's a two-way street and (ii) it's also a chicken-and-egg situation, the younger the pupils are. Pupils of a very young age should automatically respect their teacher, without any expectation of being given 'respect' (within an adult meaning) in return.


This evolves over time into a mutual situation, as pupils 'grow up' and get to understand what 'respect' is, and means: less and less of the respect is down to the authoritative position, more and more is down to the educational value and student-teacher relationship.


Many will see this as authoritarian or a "Victorian utopia", I just see it as a by-product (or pre-requisite?) of the importance of education to kids, of any age and background. Wherever I have seen it (and I still do), it works.

What I said to her <etc.>

Good for you. I mean that. So, you got my reply, I got yours and the conclusion is that I'm more authoritarian (I've never shied from the fact).

Hmmm.....and look how you turned out.:rolleyes:
Hmmm.....and how do you think I turned out? :huh:


I'll tell you a few things in that context:

From the Jesuits, I learned to work hard and apply myself. Vastly more so than in state schools.

From my parents, I learned that nothing is free, but there are no limits to what I can do (or how I can "turn out"), only my own.

From the education 'system' as a whole, I am still learning in my late 30s, will continue to do so likely for ever more, and I regularly contribute guest lectures to University students, in Sheffield and further afield.

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She did the right thing hitting him - instead of using her fist she ought to have used a chair,

school kids have no respect for anyone these days........I've said it once and I'll say it again the cane should be re-introduced - if disciplin is not administered to these teenagers what will they grow up like and what will be the state of all the countries in the world who have to put up with this kind of behaviour ?


Its thanks to these 'do gooders' who campaign against kids been chastised that have turned this country and others into what it is......ASBO's forget em there a waste of time,

give the kids a smack !

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This video was being discussed today at the school where I work so I thought I'd ask Sheffield Forummers to give their opinion.


What would you do in similar circumstances?


first punch was poor...but her jab connected...should have then swung her left to finish him off....if that had been my mother...think someone would have been waiting at the school gates for the bully...

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