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Prisoner gets permission to father a child behind bars

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a prisoner is being allowed to father a baby from behind bars following a decision based on human rights laws.what do you think of this.surley they shouldnt be allowed to do this if they are in prison.




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And this is in Sheffield Discussions because...?


Please start your threads in the appropriate area rather than create extra work for the mod team moving everything.


Er, because people in SHEFFIELD are DISCUSSING it with other people in SHEFFIELD! :loopy:

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And this is in Sheffield Discussions because...?


Please start your threads in the appropriate area rather than create extra work for the mod team moving everything.


Power corrupts. Don't let your status go to your head. Its a valid general discussion. YES? or do you know something we mear mortals don't?

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Power corrupts. Don't let your status go to your head. It a valid general discussion. YES? or do you know something we mear morals don't?


Is the prisoner from Sheffield? Is his intended recipient? Were the bars made in sheffield? Just asking.

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