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I'm not going to argue with you and it was living on past glories. I would have been at infants school in 79 and it wasn't until I heard Rise that I had ever heard of PIL or took any real notice of the pistols.

Over the years I've grown to appreciate what PIL meant to people. As I said in an post up there, the pistols left me a bit miffed live and Lydon was acting like a pantomime dame in the shows I saw which I suppose is part of his shtick .

Last night felt like this music was serious to him and as a result he put over a serious performance as an artist and treated it with the respect it deserves. I'm not a devotee, I'm a greatest hits fan who popped along to catch up with a few mates and have a laugh at a gig.

The encore of Rise and then Open Up was worth the money on its own and I would still be dancing now if they were still playing.


A special mention must go to the sound engineer and his effects programming skills and use of effects live. It was as impressive as the gig and as musical.


Totally agree with all that mate, I'm pretty much the same, liked some of the early PiL stuff lost track of them and re-discovered them around the time of the album (called "Album" I think) which featured Rise and Home.


Thought the gig was amazing (very intense) and the sound quality was fantastic.

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I would really like to have been at this one - but didn't know anything about it!


Photoguy has put some decent quality vids on Youtube.


Nice to see a gig in Sheffield discussed without reference to the stickiness of the floors.

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I'm not a devotee, I'm a greatest hits fan who popped along to catch up with a few mates and have a laugh at a gig.

The encore of Rise and then Open Up was worth the money on its own and I would still be dancing now if they were still playing.


A special mention must go to the sound engineer and his effects programming skills and use of effects live. It was as impressive as the gig and as musical.


God, I'm sat here now listening to Open Up and still dancing! I'm the same as you kidder and went along to for a catch up with pals and my word, Rise and Open Up blew me away! You're right about the sound in there - fantastic and all credit to the sound engineer - great job - I assume they were from the band. I can tell the difference in sound in the Corp now the new system is in and I haven't got a bloody clue about sound sytems!


I would love PIL to come back to Sheff again!

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