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Why is Ed Milliband so unpopular?

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Ed Milliband's popularity ratings just don't seem to get any better. Despite the unpopularity of the government the people of this country just don't like Milliband.





Labour leader Ed Miliband is just like the snotty, unpopular kid at school who nobody likes, according to the results of a poll released yesterday.


The poll, conducted by Ipsos Mori, found that just 36% of people interviewed were prepared to disagree with the sentiment that Mr Miliband was like that kid you had in your class who had no friends, and smelt suspiciously of wee.


Surely if Milliband is so unpopular he isn't the man to lead Labour into the next General Election.

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He hasn't really shown his leadership qualities yet, has he? Probably a really nice guy, but I think he is the Labour Party's sacrificial lamb while they sort themselves out. A bit like Ian Duncan-Smith was the Tory's leader that really wasn't a leader. ;)

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Why is Ed Milliband so unpopular?
The poll, conducted by Ipsos Mori, found that just 36% of people interviewed were prepared to disagree with the sentiment that Mr Miliband was like that kid you had in your class who had no friends, and smelt suspiciously of wee.
...probably because he sounds like one, as well :D


Although he's much less slimy and objectionable than the would-be next leader, Ed Balls.


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As opposed to being beholden to big business, in particular Sky?


Why? Because News International backed them this time round? News International have no political loyalty other than supporting whoever they think will win, so then they're only adopting widely held popular opinion. The government owes them nothing.

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