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Why is Ed Milliband so unpopular?

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A great report on the latest PMQ and how Miliband is way out of his depth, quoting newspapers and not even knowing the feelings of his own shadow justice secretary:




He is probably frightened of his own shadow which puts him in the dark, isn't it strange that the " right time to get married " was he became the follower of the labour party, there is also his brother who looks like a " wild eyed demon ":clap::clap::banana::huh:

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Why is Ed Milliband so unpopular?


Media hype and bad mouthing, people are thick enough to believe everything and anything they are told.


That might well apply to you but don't try painting folks you have never met with the same brush.

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It seems that after a lackluster 9 months the big fish are starting to circle around poor old Ed.


Is the end of his political road approaching?




I think this is Ed Millibands problem. Voters dont know what he stands for.

The trouble is is that this confusion seems to filter down through to the grassroots of the party.

They need a strong leader with focus, determination and direction and the voters need to know what plans they have in opposition.

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I think this is Ed Millibands problem. Voters dont know what he stands for.

The trouble is is that this confusion seems to filter down through to the grassroots of the party.

They need a strong leader with focus, determination and direction and the voters need to know what plans they have in opposition.


Well you have to laugh don't you. I noticed that there is another Miliband thread that has been kicking around for about a week now, and despite Miliband's name being spelled wrongly in the thread title no one has noticed.:hihi::hihi:

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It seems that after a lackluster 9 months the big fish are starting to circle around poor old Ed.


Is the end of his political road approaching?



The Miliboys are dead meat!..........the party did not want the scary chameleon David, and Ed as most people have sussed,is a bit of a schoolboy joke!all made worse, with son of Prescott, "Ed Ballsup" hovering..........Labour need a massive rethink,and whilst not a Labour supporter,I do believe we should have a creditable opposition,but.....
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