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33 Muslims killed 19 injured by guess by who.

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There have been significant numbers of our soldiers killed by direct action rather than by IED. Your assertion that all muslims are cowards who wait till the odds are stacked in their favour, just like your lunatic proposition that half of all muslims support terrorism, is demonstrably false.



Our own soldiers have acknowledged that the talibs can be fierce and brave fighters. You're clearly comfortable with dismissing anything I say, I would hope less so calling our soldiers liars or fools.

The Taliban are renowned for being fierce fighters when protecting their own land its when it comes down to moving out and invading that the numbers come into it,there a hell of a difference between protecting and being the aggressor,Nazi Germany bided their time until they thought they could show the power needed to conquer all,they very nearly succeeded as well,luckily for the world Hitler believed in his own invulnerability and tried to fight on two fronts which heralded the downfall of the army.Like Islam he hated the jews and sought world domination yet he and his off shoot followers are rightly despised yet you and others verbally defend a organization that wouldnt be out of place in Nazi Germany

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No it wouldn't. Everyone knows most, if not all, want the same things and that some want a little more than those things besides. The only thing that differs is how they go about getting those things.


Wrong, i'm a muslim and i only want the same as most people, to live a nice life and enjoy the company of family, friends, work, a nice house etc etc so I don't understand the "most if not all of us muslims want the same things and some want a little bit more bit" you are saying.

Stop listening to the anti muslim rhetoric doing the rounds and find out for yourself. Go talk to random muslims and see how most are just normal people wanting a quiet life to enjoy.

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In the last 3 days muslims have carried out cowardly suicide attacks on Muslims in Iraq murdering 33 and injuring 19.

Can you imagine the outcry by the anti Israeli Westernerphobes if the Israelis had done this to Muslim terrorists.


can I just make it very very clear that your post is about as meaningfull as a jar of marmite in a washing machine......


yes of course we can imagine the outcry...

why don't you actually lay your cards on the table and say what you really mean,

tell us exactly who you support and who your against!

how does 'muslim on iraqi muslim' have anything to do with 'israeli on muslim terroist'?


Thats about as meaningful as 'guy with shoes killed singer that worked part time'


Oh of course, silly me I forgot about your racist/cultural/moral leanings...


When it ultimatly boils down to it, its people killing people over absolute stupidity or greed or ego or revenge etc etc but why do you constantly have to bring religion and race and creed into it?

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Wrong, i'm a muslim and i only want the same as most people, to live a nice life and enjoy the company of family, friends, work, a nice house etc etc so I don't understand the "most if not all of us muslims want the same things and some want a little bit more bit" you are saying.

Stop listening to the anti muslim rhetoric doing the rounds and find out for yourself. Go talk to random muslims and see how most are just normal people wanting a quiet life to enjoy.

And then go and question the muslim religion in Pakistan or Saudi etc etc thats where the real problem lies not over here before you do though can i just say goodbye and remember what the Highlander says ..

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