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Gas and electric bills to rise again.

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I've just heard that on the news update - how on earth can they justify a 19% increase?


The thing is, once one of the big six increase their prices, all the others will follow suit.


19% has surely got to be one of the biggest hikes I've ever known and is quite simply outrageous.


Apparently wholesale gas prices have risen by 30% over the past few months. Some countries negotiated long-term fixed prices (at a higher rate than the spot price at the time they did so) and those countries will still get their gas at those prices. I was told (some years ago) that UK companies preferred to take a chance and buy gas on the 'spot' market.


Some gas and electricity suppliers offer fixed prices (for a set, but longish period.) Those customers who took advantage of those offers will be shielded from the price rise until the end of their fixed-price contract, but for the remainder, prices will go up.


As the country moves towards 'green' electricity, we can expect further significant price rises.:(

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60 pound is about my average monthly bill too, around $98...not bad.


Electricity prices in the US are somewhat lower than they are in the UK. - About half, AFAIR.


When I moved into my house in MS, I counted the light bulbs. - There were 96 60 watt bulbs!


I replaced them all with 'energy saving' bulbs (the second-generation lights, which strike up rapidly) and that saved me a considerable amount.


All the lights in my house in Germany are energy-saving bulbs (can't buy any other kind) and we use about 3700 KwH a year. (No air conditioning, though.)

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My bills are roughly £15/month electric, and £5/month gas.


I will try to reduce my gas and electric usage further but this will be difficult.


These above average inflation rises in essentials does not cease, yet wages remain stagnant. With regards to inflation, wages have remained stagnant for over 30 years, often falling! for the working class that is!


What is going on, is a disgrace. Soon there will be a revolt.


All utilities should be and shall be nationalized. Unless wages start rising a lot, and fast.

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My bills are roughly £15/month electric, and £5/month gas.


I will try to reduce my gas and electric usage further but this will be difficult.


These above average inflation rises in essentials does not cease, yet wages remain stagnant. With regards to inflation, wages have remained stagnant for over 30 years, often falling! for the working class that is!


What is going on, is a disgrace. Soon there will be a revolt.


All utilities should be and shall be nationalized. Unless wages start rising a lot, and fast.


Doesn't the UK buy a significant amount of its gas from Russia? How are you going to nationalise Russia?

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Doesn't the UK buy a significant amount of its gas from Russia? How are you going to nationalise Russia?


We have gas reserves which can be tapped, along with coal reserves.




Some should be seized instantly, without compensation.


We can trade with the likes of Russia if we need to, but we should not be at the mercy of private companies.

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We have gas reserves which can be tapped, along with coal reserves.




Some should be seized instantly, without compensation.


We can trade with the likes of Russia if we need to, but we should not be at the mercy of private companies.


The government might find itself on very dodgy ground if it started seizing privately-owned assets without compensation.


Centrica is a UK-based multi-national company and if the British government seized its assets in the UK, how long would it be before other governments started seizing British assets overseas to compensate the companies which had been robbed?


If foreign companies thought that their assets in the UK were liable to be stolen, how many would bother to stay there?


The values of UK assets and liabilities have both increased by a factor of more than three in the decade since 1998, with total assets standing at £7,135.1 billion and total liabilities at £7,042.1 in 2008.


If the British government seized all foreign assets in the UK (at 2008 figures, £7,042.1 billion) and foreign governments responded by doing the same thing, (£7,135.1 billion) the country would be worse off by about £93 billion, but who would want to trade with the UK?

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