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Golf driver help please

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hi just started to play golf but having problems when driving it always looks like its a brill shot from the tee ... then it always shoots of to the right every time can anyone think what i may be doing wrong??:huh:

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There are lots of things that can cause it to go right, I had the same problem until I swapped to a cobra driver as they are setup slightly closed which helps to stop the slice. Try putting your right foot slightly further forward than your left at address, this can also help. For some good golf tips check out a guy called clemshaw on youtube, his videos are really good

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Moving the right foot further forward than your left will only open your body up at address, further inducing a slice. As Brentos said, there are many things that could cause a slice, stance, grip, line of swing. Very difficult to correct without someone who knows a bit about golf seeing your swing.


Might be worth a half hour lesson with a pro, probably only cost £15-£20

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Get a lesson could be many a things,


but basics are -


* make sure the inside of your left foot lines up with the ball

* keep the clubhead going along the floor for the first 6-10 inch

* keep your left arm nice and straight ( if your right handed )

* make sure your hitting through the ball and its club first and not your body


theres some pretty good videos on youtube if you have some spare time

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