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What is the council policy re parking on the grass?

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Just curious really, where I live is kind of a cul de sac. A set of car garages are opposite the houses, and the road comes down to a turn/parking bit. The next block of houses is the same kind of thing, same street name, but both road/parking area things are separated by a foot path and a field.


Hard to explain exactly, not sure of the technical name for such a set up.


Anyway, a guy has a removal lorry permanently parked at the side of the row of garages, but on the grass with the front of the lorry at the back of the parking/turning space. He also parks his car on the grass, and drives it down the foot path and parks it outside of his house.


Is he allowed to do all of this? since this is a small turning area and not a truck stop.



Now before I get the usual idiots on here with useless comments like "get a life" and such, I am only curious as it doesn't bother me. Just looks odd having a big removals lorry parked in such a small bit.

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Driving down the footpath is probably the one most likely to sting the council into action. Umpteen thousands of people park on grass verges and don't appear to suffer any penalties as a result - the council can enforce a bylaw which forbids it, but seemingly they don't. Cars on the footpath, on the other hand, is a definite no-no.

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Actually, now I come to read it again, I notice that you didn't specify it was an official public footpath. Maybe you just meant a plain old path.



Driving a car along a public footpath would land him in bother for certain. Driving it along a pavement, not so much.


He definitely is breaking council by-laws, but whether the council care enough to do anything about it, I couldn't tell you. I dare say that some people would consider the reporting of him to be a more heinous offence than anything he's doing.

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