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Help could i have a ghost

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Huh. ?

This isn't about me or you, or those mental paranormal groups.

She'd do well to stay away from those people, bunch of nutters who'll swear if a spider falls off a wall a poltergeist threw it.

BTW I'm one of them nutters then, and have been for the past 9 years. And in the nine years of investigating some of the most haunted places around Britain I have never seen a "ghost" but it doesn't mean they do not exists it just means not everyone see's them.
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Mate, apologies for the insult, but (imo) paranormal investigators will jump on any little noise to back up their theories, inviting one of you lot into her house is the last thing i'd advise, with respect.

Most of you have a one track mind.

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Mate, apologies for the insult, but (imo) paranormal investigators will jump on any little noise to back up their theories, inviting one of you lot into her house is the last thing i'd advise, with respect.

Most of you have a one track mind.

I tend to agree most tend to be most haunted clones, or in it just for the money. I pride myself in being a skeptic and looking for the scientific explanations but theres things I just couldn't explain.
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I was once plagued by a thin crackling sound for a whole week.


It always seemed to happen in the early hours of the morning in that 'Midnight Garden' time when you aren't quite sure whether you are awake or asleep.


Anyway, one night I was absolutely sure I was not dreaming and focused in on the sound, to try and locate it. I saw something glinting in the streetlight that was coming through the window and when I got closer I saw it was a yellow Cadburys Rose moving on its own by the skirting board in the corner of the room.


When I gently pulled it away from the skirting board there was a mouse on the other end of it and he was trying to drag it backwards behind the wardrobe. On further inspection I found the unopened box of Cadbury's Roses with a hole gnawed in the side and a few missing!


Little sod! I thought, but at the same time had a sneaking admiration for its ingenuity and perseverance!


John X


This really made me chuckle, I can imagine a tug of war taking place over a chocolate and the mouse giving it all his got lol brilliant thanks:hihi:

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If ghosts existed (which they don't) then they are supposed to be the spirits of dead people, does anyone think that spirits walk around in hob nailed boots.

I've often thought, if they are spirits then how come they are wearing clothes? do the clothes come back as spirits?


Oh gosh, I have had some hideous outfits in my time, I hope to goodness if I come back as a ghost, I'm not wearing any of them. Aggh the SHAME! lol

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hello could anyone help me iv just moved into a house and we are hearing nosies upstairs like people are running about and for the past 2 nites my little girl as woken up crying and when i try putting her back down she wort go im so scared wot can i do please help


I can't believe people are recommending you to go and see Churches, Exorscists and Paranormal groups as your first port of call, what on Earth has happened to rational thought?:o


It's good to keep an open mind but come on, you have to eliminate the most likely things first before jumping to extreme conclusions.


So, you hear noises in your loft. Why not actually go up there when the noises occur? If you're too scared I'm sure you can find someone who isn't.


Is there an attacthed house at the side of yours? Do they have a loft conversion? The sounds can travel and sound like they are in your loft.


It's one thing convincing yourself that you have ghosts without actually investigating but you could be affecting your daughter emotionally or psychologically with such suggestions :|

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Occam's razor - Take care not to multiply unnecessary contingencies.

Arthur Conan Doyle - “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”


In summation - Cross the streams

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