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Help could i have a ghost

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Occam's razor - Take care not to multiply unnecessary contingencies.

Arthur Conan Doyle - “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”


In summation - Cross the streams


Yes, or...


RootsBooster - "hear noises, go see what it is"

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It's definitely a ghost. I mean, there is no strong evidence for their existence and this would be jumping immediately to the most unlikely conclusion, disregarding Occums Razor but I'd still say it's definitely a ghost. I mean, who here can say ghosts don't exist. You can't just assume something doesn't exist because every piece of available evidence points to this.


Heheh :hihi:

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I was once plagued by a thin crackling sound for a whole week.


It always seemed to happen in the early hours of the morning in that 'Midnight Garden' time when you aren't quite sure whether you are awake or asleep.


Anyway, one night I was absolutely sure I was not dreaming and focused in on the sound, to try and locate it. I saw something glinting in the streetlight that was coming through the window and when I got closer I saw it was a yellow Cadburys Rose moving on its own by the skirting board in the corner of the room.


When I gently pulled it away from the skirting board there was a mouse on the other end of it and he was trying to drag it backwards behind the wardrobe. On further inspection I found the unopened box of Cadbury's Roses with a hole gnawed in the side and a few missing!


Little sod! I thought, but at the same time had a sneaking admiration for its ingenuity and perseverance!


John X


That's so funny & I had a very similar thing happen to me with a mouse and a prawn cracker! We heard a loud crunchy/rustling sound from the kitchen, went to the kitchen, turned on the light, rustling stopped. Having repeated this several times we had to investigate further. My friend picked up a tea towel and there was a mouse underneath it, clutching a whole prawn cracker which he'd been nibbling away at! Amazingly loud sound!

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> what do you think about other religions then, or religions in general?

if this its at me ^^ i respect every religion going, and respect the individual choosing ones path, even a jedi:)


i dont go rolling eyes at it or saying for example a xtian,muslim, jew or cathlic is bizzare, id be ran out of town, i said i was a bizzarre pagan as a tongue in cheek gesture to John x, this irene birdy, seemd to be seriuos and borderlining on pagan bashing, i hope most of the pagans see this

with respect


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I tend to agree most tend to be most haunted clones, or in it just for the money. I pride myself in being a skeptic and looking for the scientific explanations but theres things I just couldn't explain.


The thing is though, every single paranormal group in the world says this, you all claim that you're the special one, all the other groups are silly most haunted knock offs but your one is the exception, you have open minds and are skeptical, its just meaningless words though. I've never seen any group that actually does approach their investigations with an open mind.


So forgive me if I take your claims of open mindedness and skepticism with several handfuls of salt.

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if this its at me ^^ i respect every religion going, and respect the individual choosing ones path, even a jedi:)


i dont go rolling eyes at it or saying for example a xtian,muslim, jew or cathlic is bizzare, id be ran out of town

No you wouldn't. Observe.


Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all pants-on-head retarded philosophies that make no sense and have no basis in reality.


Paganism too.

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