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Help could i have a ghost

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My, we've come a long way from the "ghost" haven't we?!


Oh that invariably happens on here :P


It only takes a spark to light the blue touch paper that is religion and they're off!


I hope you've found some help for your ghost problem :)

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:nod: .... unless you are a scantily clad teen, there's a noise coming from the cellar, and there's a maniac killer on the loose... :);)


And, following that logically: never go on your own and never split up the party!

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I have no ghost problem!


Oops. Sorry, that's what you get from posting late at night and not checking who was the OP.


You may have a ghost problem... They're probably all watching us right now! :cool:

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Are you a proper pagan or just following it to be trendy? ;)


John X


Ohhh thats like asking any other persons path if they are proper or not, I often get asked "are you a white witch or a black witch?" i always answer "depends what mood im in!" :D.

As for the trendyness, well i dunno:huh: if i am, ive been in fashion with it for 25 yrs plus:hihi:

To the others who are saying im vary vague, maybe i am, i just CBA, lets get back to the :arrow:ghost eh?


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