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Help could i have a ghost

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well wot is it then u tell me my little girl will not sleep in her room so wot is it u tell me ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/


It might be the ghost of English past....

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bull**** weve been here na about 2 mth and weve never had none ov this she frezzes wen walkin in hallway n wont walk no futher but then again wot your lot will say is she might have seen a rat or a mouse or a bird


I'm only offering my opinion flower, it's more likely some homeless bloke living in your loft coming down at night to raid the fridge for turkey twizzlers.

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hello could anyone help me iv just moved into a house and we are hearing nosies upstairs like people are running about and for the past 2 nites my little girl as woken up crying and when i try putting her back down she wort go im so scared wot can i do please help


Now now, you know there is no such thing as ghosts so set your mind at ease it'll be something more real than ghosts.


PS. have you been following the John Stape story on Coronation St.?

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well wot is it then u tell me my little girl will not sleep in her room so wot is it u tell me ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/


You've obviously wound yourself up, in the mistaken belief that ghosts exist... My guess is that this is rubbing off onto your child, and kids have even greater imaginations than adults... Try to relax, and call a pest control company in the morning to have a root about where you are hearing the noises for you...

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You've obviously wound yourself up, in the mistaken belief that ghosts exist... My guess is that this is rubbing off onto your child, and kids have even greater imaginations than adults... Try to relax, and call a pest control company in the morning to have a root about where you are hearing the noises for you...


yes kids can pick up on things quite easily,so its feasible that fear can bounce off the parents,on to the child.

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Haha, don't get annoyed at me. You say there are weird sounds coming from your house and instantly assume it could be a ghost.. how logical is that? Don't expect us to know what the sound is just because we don't think it's a supernatural being.... it could be a number of things but to jump to ghost is a stab in the dark.

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For those claiming ghosts don't exist; how do you know? do you think you know it all?


What you could do is try and run a series of tests. Go ask your neighbor to walk around their home and see if you can hear those sounds you have been hearing. Tell him to walk around the first, then second floors.


Before you start worrying about it being paranormal, run as many tests as you can. One good test is to get a tester for electro magnetic fields. These can be caused by electrical that are not insulated properly. EM fields can cause dizziness, can make your skin crawl, and can make you think you are not alone. Some people are more susceptible to this than others.


Once you have ruled out everything else, then it could be paranormal. All you have to do then is make it clear that this is your home.


People on here can be so insulting, especially when their beliefs or skepticisms are under threat. Just ignore it.

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