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We are spending £6million a week bombing Libya, so why the cutbacks?

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Libraries shutting, crossing patrols ending, front line police going, surestart schemes closing, Park Rangers made redundant, swimming pools closing, leisure centres closing, inflation 5%, wages suppressed, cutbacks, cutbacks,cutbacks, all in it together.


So how can we afford £6million per week to bomb Libya? Where has the money come from? Why is this more important than public services?


And why do the condem fanboys continue to claim that cuts are inevitable and that there is no other option?


Next time a crucial public service is cut don't listen to the voice that tells you there is no other option...because quite obviously there is. If the Govt can find £6million a week for a war why can't they find money for a crossing patrol, or a swimming pool, or a library, or respite care, or home help, or community policing.


I'm not saying our intervention in Libya is wrong..just that it proves that there are always options in Government spending and no-one should fall for the line that we are broke and cuts to vital services are inevitable.

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Except for font line police I cant see why any of the other cuts you mention dont deserve a trim. Most of them have been overstaffed for years or completely underused these days.


As for your figures of the £6 million a week - do you have any proof of this? Generally wars is what Military spending is used for but hey, please feel free to educate me.

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Libraries shutting, crossing patrols ending, front line police going, surestart schemes closing, Park Rangers made redundant, swimming pools closing, leisure centres closing, inflation 5%, wages suppressed, cutbacks, cutbacks,cutbacks, all in it together.


So how can we afford £6million per week to bomb Libya? Where has the money come from? Why is this more important than public services?


And why do the condem fanboys continue to claim that cuts are inevitable and that there is no other option?


Next time a crucial public service is cut don't listen to the voice that tells you there is no other option...because quite obviously there is. If the Govt can find £6million a week for a war why can't they find money for a crossing patrol, or a swimming pool, or a library, or respite care, or home help, or community policing.


I'm not saying our intervention in Libya is wrong..just that it proves that there are always options in Government spending and no-one should fall for the line that we are broke and cuts to vital services are inevitable.


In UK about 5g of Gold per person in state coffers.


In Libya about 100g, maybe tending towards 110g now, of Gold per person, in disputed state coffers. Dollar priced oil.

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Can anyone explain why we are involved in Libya?


Why didn't we let them sort it out amongst themselves?


And before anyone says "it's all about oil", actually it isn't. The UK had very good oil deals with the Libyan government and very good deals for British based countries to take advantage of future exploration and production.


So why are we there, destroying all our good ties to Libya?

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I say to hell with all these other countries we're giving trillions to, bring all our troops home and lets get our own countries sorted out and back on our feet, none of these countries give a sh**t about the UK or the US or how bad our aconomies are right now we're just bloody ATM machines to them and our politicians just keep handing out pin numbers. :mad:

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I say to hell with all these other countries we're giving trillions to, bring all our troops home and lets get our own countries sorted out and back on our feet, none of these countries give a sh**t about the UK or the US or how bad our aconomies are right now we're just bloody ATM machines to them and our politicians just keep handing out pin numbers. :mad:


Too right ! we cant go on being the world's policeman. We need a president who runs on an "America First' ticket. This lot we have now have money for every tom dick and harry and at the same time cutting education, health and other benefits

Absolute madness !

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Why the cutbacks? Because the government is intent on punishing the little people just as they've always have been. Everyone from economists to the lowest of the low (politicians) have said the cuts are not necessary, ineffectual and what's even worse, damaging to the UK economy. At least bombing Libya is drawing the publics' attention away from the disasterous government policies.

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I would be surprised if it was as little as 6 million a week. Maybe 6 million a day IMO.


I do not understand 'why' we get involved in all these conflicts. That is the job of far smarter people than me but i do suspect it has an awful lot to do with the black gold or other fuels in the future.

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