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We are spending £6million a week bombing Libya, so why the cutbacks?

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One has to ask if all the uprisings in the arab countries co ordinated by an outside country and we have had to get involved to try and gain favour with the population as their protectors.
Is that the 'Royal One' as in the 'Royal We'?
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Radio 4, a couple of days ago from memory - interview with Libyan soldier who was instructed (along with colleagues) to rape a woman in her early 20's with her family downstairs. Officers went first, soldiers beaten if they weren't keen, around 20 men doing the raping, lasted 4 hours, typical occurrence.


Make of it what you will but the BBC usually manages to get it right before broadcasting this sort of stuff.


I know the report that you mean now. I agree that the BBC usually get it right and check their sources, but at a time of war they usually take the government line.


There were two soldiers who were interviewed who had been captured by the rebels. It's hard to know if their story was true or something they had been told to say by their captors.


I'm not saying that the rape claims are false, just that more evidence is needed. I'm always sceptical of claims of enemy barbarity which often turn out to be nothing more than propaganda that is eagerly lapped up by our media. Don't forget the claims made about the Iraqi WMD capability and the reports that they could hit us within 45 minutes that were widely reported as true by our independent media and believed by the majority of the population.


I don't like Gaddafi, but I'm not sure I like the rebels either.

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Sky News as a reliable source? I think not.


Whilst I don't say that these claims are false I am very wary about accepting them without more evidence. It just smacks of the kind of demonising of the enemy that goes on in all wars.


Read this article by Alexander Cockburn for a more intelligent analysis -






I take you won’t believe it unless you see it, or is there some evidence that can be posted that you would trust. I wouldn’t say the link you provided is a more intelligent analysis; it’s just one that probably fits with your preconceived ideas of the truth. But as you seem to like The Firstpost here’s an earlier story from it.




Horrifying accounts of the systematic use of gang rape as a weapon of war by fighters loyal to dictator Colonel Gaddafi have emerged from Libya. Women have been violated in front of their own children - and some have asked their relatives to kill them rather than face Gaddafi's men.


Khalifa al-Sharkassi, a German-trained doctor based in al-Baida in north-eastern Libya, told the Sunday Times he is collecting the testimony of abused women. He believes as many as 100 have been subjected to gang rape.


The claims come three weeks after Iman al-Obeidi burst into a government-controlled press conference for foreign journalists in Tripoli, distressed and bruised, to accuse Gaddafi's men of subjecting her to gang rape. She has since become a focal point for opponents of Gaddafi's regime worldwide (above).


Sharkassi decided to speak out despite rigid taboos on discussing rape or "dishonour" as it is known in Libyan society. He told the story of one 28-year-old mother of two, identified only as Leila, who was violated with one of her young children in her arms.


Leila told Sharkassi she was raped on the night of March 14 by Gaddafi's soldiers who came to her home when her husband was away fighting for the rebels.


She said: "The soldiers told me they would kill my children. They sneered 'you or your children'. I held one son close but one of the men forced me down onto the bed, then it happened..."


The attack took place as her children, aged 4 and 5, watched. Such is the shame associated with rape in Libya that Leila's husband will not see her and she is contemplating suicide.


Read more: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/77824,news-comment,news-politics,gaddafis-men-use-rape-as-weapon-of-war#ixzz1OqoE2KsO

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I take you won’t believe it unless you see it, or is there some evidence that can be posted that you would trust. I wouldn’t say the link you provided is a more intelligent analysis; it’s just one that probably fits with your preconceived ideas of the truth. But as you seem to like The Firstpost here’s an earlier story from it.




Horrifying accounts of the systematic use of gang rape as a weapon of war by fighters loyal to dictator Colonel Gaddafi have emerged from Libya. Women have been violated in front of their own children - and some have asked their relatives to kill them rather than face Gaddafi's men.


Khalifa al-Sharkassi, a German-trained doctor based in al-Baida in north-eastern Libya, told the Sunday Times he is collecting the testimony of abused women. He believes as many as 100 have been subjected to gang rape.


The claims come three weeks after Iman al-Obeidi burst into a government-controlled press conference for foreign journalists in Tripoli, distressed and bruised, to accuse Gaddafi's men of subjecting her to gang rape. She has since become a focal point for opponents of Gaddafi's regime worldwide (above).


Sharkassi decided to speak out despite rigid taboos on discussing rape or "dishonour" as it is known in Libyan society. He told the story of one 28-year-old mother of two, identified only as Leila, who was violated with one of her young children in her arms.


Leila told Sharkassi she was raped on the night of March 14 by Gaddafi's soldiers who came to her home when her husband was away fighting for the rebels.


She said: "The soldiers told me they would kill my children. They sneered 'you or your children'. I held one son close but one of the men forced me down onto the bed, then it happened..."


The attack took place as her children, aged 4 and 5, watched. Such is the shame associated with rape in Libya that Leila's husband will not see her and she is contemplating suicide.


Read more: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/77824,news-comment,news-politics,gaddafis-men-use-rape-as-weapon-of-war#ixzz1OqoE2KsO

I don't doubt rapes have been committed by both sides.

But to say Viagara was issued to young men reinforces my view that this is a propaganda exercise.

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And the BBC (or ITV, C4, FIVE, Sky News) do not report on what they DON'T want you to hear about ie Judge in Birkenhead arrested for treason by the people, with 500 to 600 in attendance; Police, dogs etc (AND the government is removing evidence - YOUTUBE: This content is not available in your country due to a government removal request. This one is still viewable:


Police snatch squads in and @ London in the run-up to the Royal Wedding





Is that the BBC not reporting it?

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I don't doubt rapes have been committed by both sides.

But to say Viagara was issued to young men reinforces my view that this is a propaganda exercise.


Who are the armed civilians raping in your opinion?

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