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We are spending £6million a week bombing Libya, so why the cutbacks?

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These countrys need to be left alone to sort out their own lives, almost all civilization have gone through civil wars, invasion, despotic rulers and sometimes worse and with time and their own efforts have managed to cobble together a system that works for them. Just because we are able to see what is happening via television and internet doesn't make the process any different or worse, until the people of these country stand up and fight for what they want and the youth of the country stop running away and shouting from the safety of their asylum sidelines then it doesn't matter how many millions we throw at the problem it will not be solved


They are standing up, and they were being killed by a vastly superior armed forces. What can a man on the ground, who's lucky if he has any firearm do against a 4th generation air force?

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I am sorry but they need to stop running away this is only one report of one asylum island

DJERBA - The Tunisian island of Djerba has for all intents and purposes become a Libyan colony. Since the beginning of the civil war, almost 50,000 Libyans have escaped to Tunisia, and 5,000 of them have flocked to Djerba, a popular tourist destination before the wave of revolts began sweeping through North Africa.

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Aye in times of economic hardship (now) all foreign aid should be suspended, and all our troops fighting wars (which have little to do with us) should be brought home.


Time GB Ltd looked out for it's own, before sending bucket loads of brass overseas. Much of which seems to be spent by nasty guys, not for the good of their people.





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Aye in times of economic hardship (now) all foreign aid should be suspended, and all our troops fighting wars (which have little to do with us) should be brought home.


Time GB Ltd looked out for it's own, before sending bucket loads of brass overseas. Much of which seems to be spent by nasty guys, not for the good of their people.






Sigh! Because we AREN'T a member of the international community and our prosperity has nothing to do with the rest of the world, after all we are completely self-sufficient in all raw materials and don't import anything from abroad do we? Like it or not things which happen abroad DO affect this country, bank collapses? recession? oil prices? and if we are not out there getting involved then we don't have an input into what happens. GB Ltd as you put it is a wholly owned subsidiary of The World PLc!

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I say to hell with all these other countries we're giving trillions to, bring all our troops home and lets get our own countries sorted out and back on our feet, none of these countries give a sh**t about the UK or the US or how bad our aconomies are right now we're just bloody ATM machines to them and our politicians just keep handing out pin numbers. :mad:


Now don't you start bringing common sense into the equation, that would never do. :rolleyes:

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The money probably come from the governments emergency contingency fund set aside for emergencies and things like this. The fund is usually kept at 2% of the previous years budget and is not included as part of the normal budget.


Sheffield Council also has one that stands at several million pounds but I don't know the exact amount.

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It's probably quite good value bombing Libya. I doubt it really costs anything in the long run.


We employ pilots to fly planes. They wear out and use fuel whether flying over Libya or Derbyshire. They just don't disturb folks here when they are over Libya. We haven't bought any new planes to bomb Libya.

Pilots need to be trained to drop bombs and fire missiles. All these things have a use by date, so you might as well fire them at a tank rather than at a military range. It costs a fortune to strip down missiles that have gone past date, and there is no substitute for genuine combat experience.

Most of the munitions we use are UK made. Its all good for jobs. It even employs journalists.


Incidentally I see the Russians are now supporting NATO calls for Gadaffi to go. Neither Russia nor China ever gave support to our actions in Iraq or Afghanistan.

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