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We are spending £6million a week bombing Libya, so why the cutbacks?

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Think positive. No oil would mean a lot more cuts.


Then you think, if we became less dependent on Arab oil we wouldn't have to toady up to them.



£650million aid to Pakistan yet our Students are to be charged £90+million.

Alternatives to the current fossil fuels are out there, stop overseas aid and spend the money developing the alternatives.

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Then you think, if we became less dependent on Arab oil we wouldn't have to toady up to them.



£650million aid to Pakistan yet our Students are to be charged £90+million.

Alternatives to the current fossil fuels are out there, stop overseas aid and spend the money developing the alternatives.


Do we buy a lot of oil from Pakistan then?

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Because intervening was the right thing to do. If you saw a man in the street beating up a child, and you were big enough to do something about it, would you just stand aside and do nothing? The Libyan government were killing civilians and we are big enough to do something about it, so we should.


So now were bombing a major city filled with civilians, Tripoli, almost daily. And we see attempts to target Gaddafi personally which is completely outside of the UN mandate.


Consider if the same thing happened in the UK and The North rose up in rebellion. You would expect the government to fight back against the rebels wouldn't you?

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I wouldn't expect them to kill unarmed civilians or to authorise mass rape as a means of suppressing the rebellion through fear...


(In fact, if the majority of people were part of a popular uprising I'd hope that the government would recognise the legitimacy of their demands for self determination, but that might be a bit optimistic).

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I wouldn't expect them to kill unarmed civilians or to authorise mass rape as a means of suppressing the rebellion through fear...


(In fact, if the majority of people were part of a popular uprising I'd hope that the government would recognise the legitimacy of their demands for self determination, but that might be a bit optimistic).

The rebels who are often referred to as civilians are seen on the television with rocket launchers, machine guns etc and are assisted by our air power.

If they were unarmed civilians how could they prevent Col. Gaddafis army entering cities ?

I do not beleive the rape allegations and consider it propaganda.

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Libraries shutting, crossing patrols ending, front line police going, surestart schemes closing, Park Rangers made redundant, swimming pools closing, leisure centres closing, inflation 5%, wages suppressed, cutbacks, cutbacks,cutbacks, all in it together.


So how can we afford £6million per week to bomb Libya? Where has the money come from? Why is this more important than public services?


And why do the condem fanboys continue to claim that cuts are inevitable and that there is no other option?


Next time a crucial public service is cut don't listen to the voice that tells you there is no other option...because quite obviously there is. If the Govt can find £6million a week for a war why can't they find money for a crossing patrol, or a swimming pool, or a library, or respite care, or home help, or community policing.


I'm not saying our intervention in Libya is wrong..just that it proves that there are always options in Government spending and no-one should fall for the line that we are broke and cuts to vital services are inevitable.


Intervention?? IN what?


Are people really this stupid?


We are there for one reason and one reason only and that is OIL!

It wont be long before were recouping the small amounts spent on murdering innocent people and chasing down their leader and putting in one of our own.


The real question is when will this greed end? It certainly wont end with Lybia theres far too much greed complacancy for that.

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Do we buy a lot of oil from Pakistan then?
No but we've given £650millions to fund their education programme which will no doubt get channeld to the many terrorist training camps in pakistan.

That £650million should go on researching alternative fuel projects.

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