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Should government fund mass house building - city size of London needed

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What would the government use for money? - It hasn't got any.


Would you like to send them some more of yours?




So where will the extra 8 million people be living then?


New homes have to be built, otherwise I dread to think how things will be in 20 years time.


The other alternative is to stop mass immigration - simply because we won't have enough homes to house people.


At least if we start a mass house building programme, it would out a few 1000 construction workers back into work.

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What would the government use for money? - It hasn't got any.


Would you like to send them some more of yours?


They don't need mine as they have plenty and could save a lot more by stopping expensive schemes. Ask where the £30b for the workfare scheme is coming from or how much they could save by not paying private enterprise for doing the work Jobcentres did. Then there is the money to be spent on the Trident upgrade, £20b which could be saved. That's just a few things for starters and there are many more.


There are plenty of ways to pay for it even though in theory the government or country may appear skint.

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At least if we start a mass house building programme, it would out a few 1000 construction workers back into work.


I agree. :)


It would also help the economy as less would be spent on benefits, money would be spent on construction materials and more importantly people who live in these places will need to buy furnishings etc. to kit the place out. Again boosting the economy. At current rents and house prices building the cost of building alone could be paid back in around 40 years or less.


The only people who may complain would be the private householders and landlords.

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So where will the extra 8 million people be living then?


New homes have to be built, otherwise I dread to think how things will be in 20 years time.


The other alternative is to stop mass immigration - simply because we won't have enough homes to house people.


At least if we start a mass house building programme, it would out a few 1000 construction workers back into work.


Perhaps the parents of those 8 million people (if they are going to be born here) should start saving up now to pay for houses for their children.


If 8 million more people are going to be imported, perhaps they should be told to bring enough money with them to buy/build a house when they get here.


Why does the country need an additional 8 million people? What are they going to do for work? - There aren't enough jobs for the people already in the country.


The country isn't capable of producing enough food to feed the present population. If you add 8 million to the present number, reduce the amount of agrochemicals you use (we've been told that is going to happen) and take up even more land which could be used to produce food, how are you going to feed them all?

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The other alternative is to stop mass immigration - simply because we won't have enough homes to house people.


This phrase gets trotted out a lot-what exactly is 'mass immigration'?


Is it a phenomenon created by the detractors to arouse the shock & awe of the casual observer?


What level of immigration constitutes 'mass'? It implies a vast and indiscriminate group of people, when in fact we know the reality of current immigration policy is vastly different.


Yes, there are immigrants who come here (refugees/asylum seekers) who have no choice other than to rely on the state since they're not permitted to work in most cases, but their number is so small they cannot influence current or future housing policy.

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They don't need mine as they have plenty and could save a lot more by stopping expensive schemes. Ask where the £30b for the workfare scheme is coming from or how much they could save by not paying private enterprise for doing the work Jobcentres did. Then there is the money to be spent on the Trident upgrade, £20b which could be saved. That's just a few things for starters and there are many more.


There are plenty of ways to pay for it even though in theory the government or country may appear skint.


There's no 'in theory' about it.


The government doesn't have any money. It relies on the taxpayer (or its creditors) to provide every penny it spends.


Thirty years ago I remember a number of people complaining about the size of the defence budget. "Think of all the schools and hospitals we could build if we didn't spend all that money on defence."


A large part of that defence budget went to British companies and provided jobs for British workers. Most of the servicemen (with the notable exception of the Gurkha regiments) were British, so the defence budget provided jobs for Brits. (If that money had been spent on additional hospitals, presumably we would have had to import even more people to operate them. - For some strange reason, the British people are unwilling or unable to staff the NHS.)


Nowadays - thanks largely to the incompetence and profligacy of the last government - the country is saddled with a huge amount of debt. The interest alone on that debt is larger than the defence budget.


How many jobs are provided by the money spent paying the interest on the debt?


If the government has so much money, why do they waste money paying interest on debts?


There is no plan to pay off the national debt - not one penny of it. The present government's goal is to reduce the rate at which that debt is increasing.

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Do you think that developers dont already know about this and will quite happily pick up most of the short fall? As they want to make money they will build as many houses and flats as they can sell.


Don't panic!

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So where will the extra 8 million people be living then?


New homes have to be built, otherwise I dread to think how things will be in 20 years time.


The other alternative is to stop mass immigration - simply because we won't have enough homes to house people.


At least if we start a mass house building programme, it would out a few 1000 construction workers back into work.


In houses built by the hundreds of developers in the country. Also, where is this mass immigration that you speak of?

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Within 20 years it is predicted that with the population increasing, that in order to house all the people who live in the country, we will need to accomodate the eqivalent of the population of London inside 20 years.


Unless the governemnt funds a mass house building programme, where is everyone going to live?


If the government was to fund this, it would kick start the construction industry, put 1000's of construction workers back into work, put money in there pockets for them to spend in local businesses and help to solve the up and coming housing crisis.


YOu think prices are sky high now? give it 20 years and you will be paying £1,000000 for a terrace in Walkley. Lots of people wanting a dwindling product = push the prices up.


And unless the minium wage is pushed up significantly, I cannot see it being viable for people to go to work. The only chance to get your own home very soon, will be to not work


No the government shouldn’t build houses they should stop the population increase.

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