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Should government fund mass house building - city size of London needed

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The biggest problems with an average house price figures is that most of the time they include London properties - half of which are not in the real world of salary, payrol and income i.e studio flats in Knightsbride at £1mil +.


House prices are based on supply and demand. If young people start to get priced out of the market then eventually they will drop because the demand for houses will too.


I still dont see why there should be a government funded mass build. There are plenty of private contractors doing plenty of housebuilding using their own money.

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Within 20 years it is predicted that with the population increasing, that in order to house all the people who live in the country, we will need to accomodate the eqivalent of the population of London inside 20 years.


Unless the governemnt funds a mass house building programme, where is everyone going to live?


If the government was to fund this, it would kick start the construction industry, put 1000's of construction workers back into work, put money in there pockets for them to spend in local businesses and help to solve the up and coming housing crisis.


YOu think prices are sky high now? give it 20 years and you will be paying £1,000000 for a terrace in Walkley. Lots of people wanting a dwindling product = push the prices up.


And unless the minium wage is pushed up significantly, I cannot see it being viable for people to go to work. The only chance to get your own home very soon, will be to not work


I can now see why the British do not grasp Economics.Price rises will be unsustainable without an increase in incomes.

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Or our young will be priced out of the housing market?


out of the two, I can guess which will happen.


After all, the governmnet are not too keen to help out our own


So you think the young will be priced out of the market by immigrants coming and buying all our houses? Honestly?

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