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Should government fund mass house building - city size of London needed

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Its a great idea, if you cannot afford to buy a house get a tent, and let the winter cull the weak, the ill, the mentally ill, the unproductive young and old, build a nation of homeowners or the renting exploited, making living more a survival strategy, thorugh making the rich richer. If you cannot pay, you are homeless, and like before make vagrancy a crime, criminalise it like in the potato famine in Ireland.


It eugenics innit!

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Its a great idea, if you cannot afford to buy a house get a tent, and let the winter cull the weak, the ill, the mentally ill, the unproductive young and old, build a nation of homeowners or the renting exploited, making living more a survival strategy, thorugh making the rich richer. If you cannot pay, you are homeless, and like before make vagrancy a crime, criminalise it like in the potato famine in Ireland.


It eugenics innit!


I bet you're a bundle of fun at parties.


You seem to have missed the point of my link, the house was self built for £150, hardly a fortune, definitly not a tent and anyone living in it would not be a vagrant. It will be warm and dry and while a bit basic should be quite comfortable.


Properly looked after the house will last for centuries, when it's no longer needed it can be abandoned and will return to the earth in a few years.

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and here we have chem's ideal home :)




ps sorry for bringing an old dead thread back to life


We should be allowed to build our own homes.


We aren't though, so the state has a duty to house it's citizens.


We need to build millions of council houses AND tax land values, and pay compensation to the landless in cash.


---------- Post added 27-11-2013 at 22:43 ----------


I bet you're a bundle of fun at parties.


You seem to have missed the point of my link, the house was self built for £150, hardly a fortune, definitly not a tent and anyone living in it would not be a vagrant. It will be warm and dry and while a bit basic should be quite comfortable.


Properly looked after the house will last for centuries, when it's no longer needed it can be abandoned and will return to the earth in a few years.


I often say on here we can build very decent houses for £15000-30000.


And that we could build them for much less.

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Its a great idea, if you cannot afford to buy a house get a tent, and let the winter cull the weak, the ill, the mentally ill, the unproductive young and old, build a nation of homeowners or the renting exploited, making living more a survival strategy, thorugh making the rich richer. If you cannot pay, you are homeless, and like before make vagrancy a crime, criminalise it like in the potato famine in Ireland.


It eugenics innit!


Then what happens when our prisons are full of homeless people?

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7 pages of houses for sale in Sheffield <£50k


What's this problem with affording a house? Some people seem to live in a fantasy.


Around 3 years ago that list would have been a lot shorter......the average Sheffield property price is down around 20% since then. Affording a property doesn't necessarily mean that it's good value.


Some of those homes look pretty good for <£50k.

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