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Shorter sentencing

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So if you plead guilty should you get a shorter sentence


In my opinion its A full on NO!! at the end of the day you still did the crime so you should do the time, if you stole your work computer then went and said sorry Mr Boss i stole my computer the chances are youd get the sack so whats different now. Plus i think for serious crimes there better off where they are behind bars reducing the sentences in theory rewards the criminals and put the public at risk.


However on balance though i think if anything happened to me ie a relatively raped murdered or badly beaten up id want confirmation of what actually happened and ultimately theres only the criminal who can give you all the facts the Serious crimes unit, and courts can only build a case of what they think happened and what the evidence shows theres not actual way other then the criminal to confirm definetly what happened.

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So if you plead guilty should you get a shorter sentence


Of course you do! It saves court time, money, witnesses/victims the stress of having to give evidence and secures an admission of an offence which otherwise there would be no incentive to not contest.


..and you can probably imagine it's taken account of in the sentencing guidelines ;)

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They should increase sentence's by 50 percent, never mind about reducing them. If you commit the crime you should do the time.






Many people argue that "prison doesn't work." It does punish people, it doesn't seem to act as a deterrent, nor does it rehabilitate people.


It also protects the public from the predations of those who are incarcerated. - It is a pretty good 'warehouse'.


If you're going to increase sentences by 50%, you would need to increase prison capacity by 50%.


If you're going to imprison people for longer, then perhaps - instead of putting them in single cells - they should be put into 'prison suites', formed by fitting a connecting door between pairs of adjoining cells.


One room would have a bed and the other would be a 'day room'. Each suite could be occupied by 3 people, with each having 8 hours use of the sleeping room. The prisoners would need exercise, so each day room could be fitted with an exercise bike/treadmill coupled to a generator. Those in the day room could get their exercise without leaving the peter and could generate the electricity to light (and heat(?)) the prison.


That would increase the prison capacity by 50% and reduce the running costs at the same time.

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