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Stop Smoking Advice..Needing some inspiration!

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I've stopped smoking yesturday and done 1 day, 10 hours, 48 minutes. (The joys of a timer on windows! lol).

Done well so far, However now the craving part is really starting to nag away at me...


I'm tryin to do this cold turkey as I find chewing gums & such make me sick :gag: not easy when you've been a smoker for 7 ish years...


Anyone got any advice on what I can do instead to substitute?

All I seem to be doing is eating which isn't doin much good either! :hihi:


Inspiriational boosts welcome!!!



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I used patches, it took the edge off.Also try and do something with your hands (no smart remarks) and change your routine eg dont have a coffee as soon as you get up, as you probably had a cig 1st thing with your coffee and after meals.I used to have a raw carrot to chomp on, as it seemed to simulate hand to mouth,like smoking.Stay away from smokers if going out for a drink.If you make the two week mark, youve done it.I smoked for 15yrs and have stopped 6yrs now,but i sometimes still get the urge for one.I personally dont think the timer will help as its constantly on your mind,checking to see how long now.When your taste buds and sense of smell improve, you will soon realise how much you smelt, when you pass others who have just had a cig.


Good luck

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Try honeyrose herbal cigarettes from holland and barrett, they use herbal smoking mixtures like rose petals and eucalyptus leaf which aren't nearly as bad for you. These are probably best to be used in combination with the patches though I think so you can satisfy the smoking habit and the nicotine cravings!

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Get your mind to accpt that you are going to feel a bit lousy now and then as the toxins leave your body.


I smoked from being 11 at the age of forty. I can stand th sight or smell of tobacco now.



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Keep as busy as possible!

Keep your hands and your mind occupied so you have less time to crave.

After a few days the physical craving eases and just the habit remains.

It's really worth the effort.

I did it 11 years ago the same way. Still cigarette free and never crave one.

Good luck xx

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Get your mind to accpt that you are going to feel a bit lousy now and then as the toxins leave your body.


I smoked from being 11 at the age of forty. I can stand th sight or smell of tobacco now.




What Xenia is saying is pretty much how I felt when I packed up 3 years ago. That was the best thing that I've ever done and it all started when I looked at my little boy and thought how he'd feel if he had to watch me die, all because of an expensive, evil habit.


I now go to the Gym and get a hit / buzz from a good workout instead of puffing on cigs and the money I've saved pays for the Family holiday each year.


Tough it out, as you're starting on the most amazing journey of your life.

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My partner and I used the inhalator to quit when I was pregnant and I must say it was fantastic, we've not touched a ciggy now for 10 months, and now it really doesn't bother us at all! We did buy several lollies, boiled sweets etc to suck on to take the edge off any urges.

Good luck!! It can be done and you'll feel so much better for it, I know I do!

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