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EU Commission reccommednations to member states to promote growth

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Today the European Commission has published its recommendations for promoting growth to all the member states.


Its recommendations for the UK are:


HEREBY RECOMMENDS that the United Kingdom should take action within the period 2011-2012 to:


(1) Implement the planned fiscal consolidation aiming at a deficit of 6.2% of GDP in 2012-13, ensuring no slippage from the ambitious spending reduction targets, thereby strengthening long-term sustainability; subject to this, prioritise growthenhancing expenditure including research and innovation, and infrastructure investment.


(2) Develop a programme of reform which addresses the destabilising impact of thehouse price cycle on public finances, the financial sector and the economy, with a view to alleviating problems of affordability and the need for state subsidy for housing. This should include reforms to the mortgage market, property taxation and the planning system.


(3) Take steps to tackle youth unemployment by adopting a comprehensive strategy to reduce early school leaving, by the end of 2012. Address skill shortages by increasing the numbers attaining intermediate skills, in line with labour market needs.


(4) Take measures to reduce the high proportion of jobless households by increasing the supply of child care provision to facilitate single parents' and second earners' labour market participation.


(5) Significantly improve the availability of bank and non-bank financing to the private sector and in particular to SMEs. Encourage competition within the banking sector and explore ways to improve access to non-bank financing such as venture and risk capital and publicly-issued debt.


Are these good recommendations? Are they achievable? What would YOU recommend?

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"To ensure that the UK (and other EU member states which are faced with the need to implement austerity measures) are not over-stretched financially, the EU government is going to set an example by reducing its own budget by 10%."


Did that appear in the Commission's recommendations?


If not, why not?

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