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Bilderberg Planning your future June 2011

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The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 140 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and news media. The names of attendees are made available to the press,[1] but the conferences are closed to the public and the media, and no press releases are issued.[2][3]

Because of its exclusivity and privacy, the Bilderberg group is frequently accused by conspiracy theorists from both extremes of the political spectrum of being an all-powerful secret society fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors.[4]

Critics of Bilderberg conspiracy theories counter that it is nothing more than a policy discussion forum and social club which only serves as a means to brainstorm, reach consensus, and create social cohesion within the power elite of Western European and North American nations, to better promote Atlanticism and a neoliberal form of globalization.[5][6]





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The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 140 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and news media. The names of attendees are made available to the press,[1] but the conferences are closed to the public and the media, and no press releases are issued.[2][3]

Because of its exclusivity and privacy, the Bilderberg group is frequently accused by conspiracy theorists from both extremes of the political spectrum of being an all-powerful secret society fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors.[4]

Critics of Bilderberg conspiracy theories counter that it is nothing more than a policy discussion forum and social club which only serves as a means to brainstorm, reach consensus, and create social cohesion within the power elite of Western European and North American nations, to better promote Atlanticism and a neoliberal form of globalization.[5][6]





Any chance you can tell us what the numbers are for or do we have to guess?


Also as an epileptic your use of the word brainstorm is hugely offensive to me

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Any chance you can tell us what the numbers are for or do we have to guess?


Also as an epileptic your use of the word brainstorm is hugely offensive to me

id reckon hes ripped it straight from wikipedia, brainstorm purely means thinking doesnt it?

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The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 140 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and news media. The names of attendees are made available to the press,[1] but the conferences are closed to the public and the media, and no press releases are issued.[2][3]

Because of its exclusivity and privacy, the Bilderberg group is frequently accused by conspiracy theorists from both extremes of the political spectrum of being an all-powerful secret society fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors.[4]

Critics of Bilderberg conspiracy theories counter that it is nothing more than a policy discussion forum and social club which only serves as a means to brainstorm, reach consensus, and create social cohesion within the power elite of Western European and North American nations, to better promote Atlanticism and a neoliberal form of globalization.[5][6]






What you're doing there is against the forum rules.

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The event has been reported in the Guardian this year (First time ever) so its no theory!


You need to give your opinion. A cut and paste by itself, is worthless - and as I've pointed out against the rules.

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The event has been reported in the Guardian this year (First time ever) so its no theory!
I first heard of Bilderberg in the 90's. How can it only have been reported this year? I'm no conspiracy theorist, its fairly common knowledge
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