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Bilderberg Planning your future June 2011

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Its more than just a coincidence that the attendees are people that' date=' Collectively, Are in a position to conspire to control the world.[/quote']


Yes I find it quite worrying these people are connected.

Food industry,pharmaceutical industry,energy suppliers,Bankers,royals,main media,the Arms industry,MPs, prime ministers and presidents all getting Cosy at the Bilderberg meeting.


Maybe it's true the meeting its self is more of a social get together and the planning is done elsewhere,then meet up to pat themselves on the back and laugh about how rich they are and we (the useless eaters) are all screwed.

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I used to pop along to these do's back in the 90's and found them very overated. Mainly rich people boasting about whose yacht was biggest and that sort of thing, though the food was excellent and the wine first rate. I remember suggesting to an aging Casper Weinberger not long after the first WTC bombing that we probably ought to do something about the whole militant islamic thing and suggested corruptly engineering a series of quirky winners of the Eurovision song contest might do the trick. "Cap", as he liked to be known, clearly talked to his people and within a year Israeli transexual Dana International was installed on the gilded Eurovision throne which kept al qaeda quiet till that tragic day in September 2001. Had a Hindu with two todgers or a paraplegic Irish Buddhist been selected by the old Bilderberg group to win it in 2000 history may have been very different but by then Cap was retired from the conspiracy game and I had bigger fish to fry than mere global conspiracies to control the planet, so it never happened.


Still it wasn't all dull, the same year I and Alan Dershowitz got incredibly drunk on a cocktail made of pomegranate juice, Krug Champange and some eyewatering paintstripping retsina we stole from George Soros's overnight bag and had a bet as to who could first completely soak the 2 original copies of UN Declaration of Human Rights in urine first. Alan won, the man was like a carthorse with a firehose up its arse, and I had to bankrupt Bulgaria as a forfeit, which I'm pleased to recall was all as hard as finding a compliant North Korean.


Happy days!

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Yes I find it quite worrying these people are connected.

Food industry,pharmaceutical industry,energy suppliers,Bankers,royals,main media,the Arms industry,MPs, prime ministers and presidents all getting Cosy at the Bilderberg meeting.


How would you expect all these people/organisations to function without knowing/meeting each other, no company/bussiness person functions entirely independant of other companies/bussiness persons.

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They are all linked in some way they have meetings together,of course they conspire,they have a common purpose, makes sense to arrange to keep things that way.


So you don't know then, you're just assuming?


There's no possible way that they are just discussing or having a meeting, they are definitely conspiring?

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So you don't know then, you're just assuming?


There's no possible way that they are just discussing or having a meeting, they are definitely conspiring?


Of course I don't know,I've not yet been invited.

As I've said the conspiring may not take place in the meetings, but it would act as cover for certain people to get together and discuss things they would not want to by phone or email ,or in a more public setting.


If they are just having a pointless meeting that has no effect on us then why the secrecy ?

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You know they are having these meetings, so they arn't that secret.


Secret is probably the wrong word to use for these Bildergerg meetings, And also those get-togethers at Bohemian Grove, But they are suspiciously low key and under-the-radar as far as the mainstream media is concerned.


It is only due to the likes of David Icke, Alex Jones and others putting this information out there through the internet over the 10-15 years that people, Other than the minute amount of sado's that read a Dennis Heally biography, Know about it now.

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