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Bilderberg Planning your future June 2011

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The Bilderberg group.


A bunch of experienced, wealthy (because they were clever enough to get wealthy) and very wise and capable economists who run the world.


Not elected, but selected by their peers. Some of the names are well known (Denis Healey? - no fool!)


Would you rather have the world run by a bunch of elected tossers who are too stupid to fill in expense forms [but were democratically elected] or have it run by people who might actually have some idea of what they are doing?


I'm a conservative (small 'c'.)

In general elections, I'm invited to choose between candidates 'A','B','C', or 'D'. I'm given no say in who those candidates are.


I'd probably vote for the Bilderberg candidate - If I knew who (s)he was.

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Last place you're likely to receive it, with that attitude.


What's your opinion of the Bilderburg group?

Why should I be concerned?


My opinion on the Bilderberg Group is that why should a UN-ELECTED group of the worlds wealthiest people (not wealthy due to business wisdom) be in control of the whole human races future specially when the members corporations have connections to the reasons why the world is in the ****, and why is this group kept mostly out of the public eye???

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My opinion on the Bilderberg Group is that why should a UN-ELECTED group of the worlds wealthiest people (not wealthy due to business wisdom) be in control of the whole human races future specially when the members corporations have connections to the reasons why the world is in the ****, and why is this group kept mostly out of the public eye???


What makes you believe that they're in control of the entire future of the human race?


Even for a conspiracy freak that's a manifestly absurd notion - how do you suppose they wield this monstrous power you credit them with?

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My opinion on the Bilderberg Group is that why should a UN-ELECTED group of the worlds wealthiest people (not wealthy due to business wisdom) be in control of the whole human races future specially when the members corporations have connections to the reasons why the world is in the ****, and why is this group kept mostly out of the public eye???



The world is in the '****' because elected (or dictatorial) prats put it there.


The Bilderberg group don't get paid to run the world - but (because their wealth depends on the world being run well) it's in their interest to use their (not inconsiderable) skills to ensure it is run well.


If you were running the world and if your personal wealth depended on it being run well, would you work hard to ensure that it was?


Members of the group tend to be secretive because (presumably) they don't want to be buggered about by inconsequential people. Is that arrogance, or merely 'common sense'?


Denis Healey might've been a bit of a 'silly billy' but he was (arguably) the most competent chancellor of the last century.


Gordon Brown is unlikely to be invited to join Bilderberg.

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The event has been reported in the Guardian this year (First time ever) so its no theory!

It's been reported in The Guardian for the last three years now I believe (the Guardian guy had the Greek police set on him the first time).





Intriguing that things like the G8 get so much publicity yet when I mentioned the Bidleburg group to a friend of mine his response was "who"?


I expect most SF members to show a similar driving curiosity.

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There's no doubt the Bildeberg group wields a great deal of power, but it does not issue diktaks that are slavishly followed by world governments.


But it is in the business of maintaining and promoting an occidental free market capitalist hegemony. Some people might view that as bad enough in itself.


The idea that the world can somehow by "run" by anything is fall-about-laughable. The idea that it is run by a small group of elderly bipedal apes is only more extremely so.

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