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Bilderberg Planning your future June 2011

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The Sheffield Forum Conspiracy Group, Investigating Conspiracy Group, or Sheffield Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 14 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of nothing at all. The names of attendees are known to many and the conferences are sadly open to public and the media - should they care but they have never covered it so far and hence no press releases are issued.

Because of its depressing openness and ad nauseam repetition, the Bilderberg group is frequently accused by normal posters from both extremes of the political spectrum, either sides of the Pennines, all four points of the compass, the depths of the ocean trenches and even from the ISS of being an all-too thick skinned society fixing it's own fate and reputation firmly in the categories of the bizzare, and perhaps insane

Critics of the Group counter that it is nothing more than a policy discussion forum and social club which only serves as a means to highlight, draw attention, repeat incessantly and ignore all reasoned debate, even when said debate is applied with logic, wit, skill and on the end of a ten foot barge pole. Most observers of the Group still don't know why they would persist is such one sided, dogmatic, ideologically insane and demostrably clueless twaddle but salute the pig headed bullishness and desire to perseve against the odds in a manner of someone mucking out the Augean stables without a river for the 327th time.

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The Bilderberg group.


A bunch of experienced, wealthy (because they were clever enough to get wealthy) and very wise and capable economists who run the world.


Not elected, but selected by their peers. Some of the names are well known (Denis Healey? - no fool!)


Would you rather have the world run by a bunch of elected tossers who are too stupid to fill in expense forms [but were democratically elected] or have it run by people who might actually have some idea of what they are doing?


I'm a conservative (small 'c'.)

In general elections, I'm invited to choose between candidates 'A','B','C', or 'D'. I'm given no say in who those candidates are.


I'd probably vote for the Bilderberg candidate - If I knew who (s)he was.


You seem to be confusing obsessive greed and pathological self centredness with vision and intelligence.

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Don't worry, they'll all be dead and gone in 100 years. They can't control that!


Well that all depends, the reason why they have so much power now is because they have kept it in the family, as long as they continue to keep their wealth & power in the families then they will always be about.

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Well that all depends, the reason why they have so much power now is because they have kept it in the family, as long as they continue to keep their wealth & power in the families then they will always be about.


So will pustules.

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The idea that it is run by a small group of elderly bipedal apes is only more extremely so.


But isn't the creator of all that exists himself an elderly alpha male bipedal ape, who created us in his image? Maybe the galaxies were formed by him throwing dung to mark his territory?

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