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Bilderberg Planning your future June 2011

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I loved this article in yesterdays guardian.





"Would be all be fine and dandy if the Bilderberg attendees didn't include quite so many elected officials. Our own chancellor, George Osborne, was a serial attendee (2006-2009); our own prime minister, David Cameron, sat through the seminars in 2008 before taking office. And don't forget Tony Blair attended. Not that he likes to admit it (he preferred lying to parliament about not going "


" Not that anyone at Bilderberg is dirty. I mean, hardly any of them are wanted for war crimes. People don't stress that enough "


The veil of secrecy has begun to fail , 60 years on and people are just waking up to the true government and like it was pointless trying to keep Gigsy's dirty secret so too the bilderbergers.


Can only be a good thing.

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The veil of secrecy has begun to fail , 60 years on/


what is this. There was never any 'veil of secrecy' about it in the first place. People have been talking openly about it from the beginning, in the 1950s.


but this is what you'd expect in an Atlanticist, Euro-dominated club of this type in which everybody hails from one sort of liberal democracy or another - rather than a secret society in some totalitiarian dictatorship.

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Critics of Bilderberg conspiracy theories counter that it is nothing more than a policy discussion forum and social club which only serves as a means to brainstorm, reach consensus, and create social cohesion within the power elite of Western European and North American nations, to better promote Atlanticism and a neoliberal form of globalization.


Phew, is that all it is.


We can all relax now. :hihi:

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Overall' date=' I'd have to say my life is pretty good, So long may these these semi-secret meetings that have been taking place (which aparently shape my life) Continue.[/quote']


You are one of the lucky ones.

A case of "I'm alright Jack" ?


So am I really (alright),things could be much worse for me,look at all the innocent people and kids that have died and many lives destroyed at the hands of the (probably) Bilderberg controlled Governments ,but I'm not selfish and would like to see them all taken to court.

The next few years are going to be hellish for many because of the people that go to that meeting.


Glad to see Rory Stewart on the list. If only they'd make him PM instead of the lightweight we have now.


Your wish may come true, PM's and Presidents are often invited before anyone else has really even heard of them.

Our Democracy is fake.


Other than myself, no. Surprise me, who do I sound like?


A bit like Loncol,he's fast running out of argument and resorting to arguing silly technicalities too.


The veil of secrecy has begun to fail , 60 years on/


what is this. There was never any 'veil of secrecy' about it in the first place. People have been talking openly about it from the beginning, in the 1950s.


I guess by "people" you are referring to so called conspiracy theorists.

Still today only relatively few people have heard of them, they are very rarely mentioned in the Main media, but that is changing it seems.:cool:

It'll just send 'em deeper underground though.



Critics of Bilderberg conspiracy theories counter that it is nothing more than a policy discussion forum and social club which only serves as a means to brainstorm, reach consensus, and create social cohesion within the power elite of Western European and North American nations, to better promote Atlanticism and a neoliberal form of globalization.


Phew, is that all it is.




We can all relax now. :hihi:


Yes ,very reassuring isn't it.


Good report by RT news to watch/read here- http://rt.com/news/bilderberg-switzerland-moritz-2011/

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shirley Williams went to the conference last year. I find that strangely comforting...


"Except that as a founding member of the SDP she helped to split the leftwing vote against Thatcher in the early 80s, at a time when her government was at its most unpopular.


Perhaps those were her instructions? "



I was just having a look who she was (Shirley) and came across that comment at the foot of an article.

Something to consider ?

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"Except that as a founding member of the SDP she helped to split the leftwing vote against Thatcher in the early 80s, at a time when her government was at its most unpopular.


Perhaps those were her instructions? "



I was just having a look who she was (Shirley) and came across that comment at the foot of an article.

Something to consider ?


not really, the Labour party of that time was heading leftwards at an alarming rate and were leaving the average voter behind, if anything the formation of the SDP helped to hold the left together at least for a while.


had there been an election in the first few months of its existence the SDP would have won a magnificent victory and the country and world would be a much better place, unfortunately there wasn't one and the Con-Lab duopoly reasserted itself and the SDP faded into the background like all third parties do.

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I guess by "people" you are referring to so called conspiracy theorists.

Still today only relatively few people have heard of them, they are very rarely mentioned in the Main media.


there's news reports when they hold their annual meet up like this every year. First time I heard about the Bilderberg group was when I read Denis Healey's autobiography about 20 years ago. Get it out of your numbskull that it's any sort of 'secret'. It's been in the public domain since its in inception.

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The veil of secrecy has begun to fail , 60 years on/


what is this. There was never any 'veil of secrecy' about it in the first place. People have been talking openly about it from the beginning, in the 1950s.


but this is what you'd expect in an Atlanticist, Euro-dominated club of this type in which everybody hails from one sort of liberal democracy or another - rather than a secret society in some totalitiarian dictatorship.


I guess by "people" you are referring to so called conspiracy theorists.

Still today only relatively few people have heard of them, they are very rarely mentioned in the Main media.


there's news reports when they hold their annual meet up like this every year. First time I heard about the Bilderberg group was when I read Denis Healey's autobiography about 20 years ago. Get it out of your numbskull that it's any sort of 'secret'. It's been in the public domain since its in inception.



Its never been TOP SECRET as such, Dediated people have researched the so called Illuminati and secret societies for decades, But the vast majority of people had no idea that the signs and symbols of the Illuminati are actually all around and always have been;, After all, The best place to hide something is out in the open, No one thinks of looking there. Only since the advent of the Internet have people started to become aware of these things.

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