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Bilderberg Planning your future June 2011

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Your telling me petty rules when I'm trying to tell the members of SF that the world leaders are planning their futures in the next few day.

Just accept the fact that the group does exist and if you are interested then discuss the topic.


Nobody has denied that it exists.


What Halibut said is that you're not supposed to plagiarise the work of others (wikipedia), it should be in quotes, and you should start a thread with an opinion or a question, not just a statement you copied from somewhere else.

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Nobody has denied that it exists.


What Halibut said is that you're not supposed to plagiarise the work of others (wikipedia), it should be in quotes, and you should start a thread with an opinion or a question, not just a statement you copied from somewhere else.


Is it not down to the moderators to educate us users on forum rules ?

who do you think you guys are ?

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It's down to you to know them, you agreed to them when you created an account...


And the rule about having an opinion is precisely to stop someone just copying a statement and not saying anything themselves about it.

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Any chance you can tell us what the numbers are for or do we have to guess?


Also as an epileptic your use of the word brainstorm is hugely offensive to me


I’m epileptic and I don’t find the word brainstorm offensive. It’s just pc nonsense.

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"There was a time, not so many years ago, when it was a sign of full-blown crackpottedness even to suggest that such a thing as "Bilderberg" existed. To insist that it was an important international summit, not the figment of a lizard's imagination, was lunacy. It was a meeting, scoffed the scoffers, held by the Loch Ness Monster in Narnia's most luxurious conference centre.

It's easy to dismiss something you don't know about; one can rest contentedly in the solipsism of ignorance: "


"Two years ago, in Greece, it was a shambles. A few determined bloggers getting strip-searched. A few scraped-together reports in the alternative media. And the Greek police were an absolute disgrace. I, for one, was harassed, arrested, followed, bullied, arrested again, rearrested, followed to Athens, wrestled with, lied to and scared out my tiny mind. In St Moritz, two years later, oh my god. It's wonderful."



The guardian are doing a great job of the reporting, shame on the rest.

Sadly most people won't be reading the guardian online this morning.


I had to Keep checking I hadn't stumbled upon a nut job troofer site.

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There was a time, not so many years ago, when it was a sign of full-blown crackpottedness even to suggest that such a thing as "Bilderberg" existed.


why then, did Denis Healey, one of its founders, write about it in his autobiography, that was published in 1990, if it was supposed to be secret?


clearly the Guardian author never bothered to read the sort of book that really should be de rigeur for anybody that publishes in that particular newspaper.

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There was a time, not so many years ago, when it was a sign of full-blown crackpottedness even to suggest that such a thing as "Bilderberg" existed.


why then, did Denis Healey, one of its founders, write about it in his autobiography, that was published in 1990, if it was supposed to be secret?


clearly the Guardian author never bothered to read the sort of book that really should be de rigeur for anybody that publishes in that particular newspaper.


So he mentioned it in his autobiography,crikey you'd think everybody would of heard of it then wouldn't you ? :roll:

I've also seen a documentary shown on TV some years ago in which he(Healey) did an interview with a journalist (that felt frightened when followed by Bilderberg security and was told "the Bilderberg are way out of our league" by the British Embassy when he phoned them with his concerns)

Healey was very nice at first explaining how it was all a harmless social gathering but turned rather nasty when asked if he would show some of the photo's he said he had of past attendees.


The Bildeberg Group, despite being mentioned in Healey's autobiography hasn't been heard of by many people, the group itself is no massive secret anymore but what they do is and they go to some extremes to keep it that way.


When Jesse Ventura did an investigation for his conspiracy series http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-r4DGx04gI (Includes some of the Healey interview and comments from the guy that did the documentary mentioned) he felt threatened also.They certainly don't like folk poking their noses into their affairs those Bilderbergers.

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I've also seen a documentary shown on TV some years ago in which he(Healey) did an interview with a journalist (that felt frightened when followed by Bilderberg security and was told "the Bilderberg are way out of our league" by the British Embassy when he phoned them with his concerns)

Healey was very nice at first explaining how it was all a harmless social gathering but turned rather nasty when asked if he would show some of the photo's he said he had of past attendees.


making stuff up again I see, or else you're getting a delusional episode. it's 10.30 already. Weren't you supposed to take your medication at 10?

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making stuff up again I see, or else you're getting a delusional episode. it's 10.30 already. Weren't you supposed to take your medication at 10?


The documentory V is refering to I think is Secret Rulers Of The World, I watched it myself and Dennis Heally is in it; He's nice as pie at first discussing the Bildergurg group, But when the interviewer tried to push him further about its true nature and also to see photographs he has, All of a sudden he begins getting quite shirty, Even telling the interviewer to **** off at one point.

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making stuff up again I see, or else you're getting a delusional episode. it's 10.30 already. Weren't you supposed to take your medication at 10?


The documentory V is refering to I think is Secret Rulers Of The World' date=' I watched it myself and Dennis Heally [i']is[/i] in it; He's nice as pie at first discussing the Bildergurg group, But when the interviewer tried to push him further about its true nature and also to see photographs he has, All of a sudden he begins getting quite shirty, Even telling the interviewer to **** off at one point.


Thank-you ,yes that is the one.

He also said this.



(also shown in Jesse Ventura's show.)


"To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair".


No need to appologise callippo.:hihi:

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