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Good indian food

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A country as small as the UK has great differences in cuisine from county to county. Spanish food varies tremendously from region to region, it therefore shouldn't surprise us that food from the Indian sub continent is even more varied in it's choice and style.


There are regional specialities across India.


But I've worked in Bengal, around Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Also in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Pretty much the same tasty brown slop wherever.


I would skip Ambar and go to Ashoka, much better. Ranmoor Tandoori is also very good.


Anybody been to Spice Room near Banner Cross, or Panahar at Fulwood?

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Most of what we consider Indian restaurants are run by Bengalis. This is mostly a good thing, what you have to watch out for is the bland underspiced 'contemporary Indian cuisine' restaurants run by British Asians who have never set foot in the subcontinent.


Some people like bland underspiced curry, and some don't care where the chef is from/has been.

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