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Rowan Williams contradicts himself

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Having a go at the Coalition for putting the blame fairly and squarely with Crash Gordon.


claims that it is “not enough” for ministers to blame Britain’s economic and social problems on the last Labour government





And yet here he is blaming Gordon Brown for trying to spend his way out of our economic woes.


Archbishop's sermon to Brown on spending our way out of crisis


The Archbishop of Canterbury and Gordon Brown were at loggerheads last night over the morality of the Government's plans for Britain to spend its way out of recession.


Dr Rowan Williams took the extraordinary step of suggesting that Labour's high-spending solution to the economic crisis was like 'an addict returning to the drug'.


'What I'm worried about is anything that pushes us straight back into the kind of spiral we were in before.


'It is about what is sustainable in the long term and if this is going to drive us back into the same spin.




So it's wrong for the coalition to blame Labour's disastrous stewardship for the current dismal state of the economy, but not a self-proclaimed voodoo shaman for an invisible sky fairy?


What does he want the government to do? More borrowing or deficit reduction? Which is truly "sustainable in the long term"?


Or maybe there are perhaps two Rowan Williams's who spend their days wearing purple dresses and living in luxurious free accommodation?


I think we should be told.

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What do you expect from a man who wears frocks and silly hats


You can't go around saying things like that! - It's discriminatory!


You'll end up in court!


Would you ban Rowan Williams from staying at your B&B because he wears a frock and a silly hat?


You can't do that. - Even if he does claim to be a Christian.

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