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Should Violent Children be imprisoned indefinitely to protect the public?

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I think the title of this thread is perhaps a little misleading. This (for want of a better word) thing is a psychopath.


Yes, but he has been throughout his childhood.


We can only assume that the reason he was at liberty to inflict extreme violence is because he's a child.


If he'd been imprisoned to protect the public earlier his mum would be alive, and I imagine there'd be far fewer victims living with the emotional scars of what e's done to them.

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Usually I wouldn't agree but this man and his ilk should be locked up and periodically examined to see if they are fit to live in society.


He's not a man - he's a child.

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if he can murder his own mother, he should do a mans punishment.even though in the eyes of the law hes a child.


But what about before he killed his Mum - when it will ave been clear to professionals that he was a very nasty young man who was going to end up doing something like this - when he was commiting almost daily acts of violence - should he ave been put away then for our protecton?


BTW he hasn't murdered her - it was manslaughter.

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But what about before he killed his Mum - when it will ave been clear to professionals that he was a very nasty young man who was going to end up doing something like this - when he was commiting almost daily acts of violence - should he ave been put away then for our protecton?


BTW he hasn't murdered her - it was manslaughter.


Murder or manslaughter, who cares? You hit someone round the head with a bat and you can expect to seriously hurt or kill someone. If you are going to say his mental state means he doesn;t understand what he was doing, then this is another reason to lock him up.

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