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Should Violent Children be imprisoned indefinitely to protect the public?

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Criminally insane who perhaps just nick things. Should we kill all the insane or just the criminally? If we're killing the insane because they're criminals why not just kill criminals?


The report states his problems began with a bout of meningitis. Should we kill everyone who has had meningitis? You can't be too careful these days.



i meant criminally insane who have murdered.

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What a terribly sad story. Nippings things in the bud so to speak doesn't come close here. Everyone knew from an early age what the problem was and it seems he was left to rot.


Thats what I think.

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this child was clearly from a young age a risk (for whatever reason) - violently - to others - yes he should have been locked up before it got to this but then we get all the PC people jumping around etc and no-one takes into account his needs and the need to keep him away from the general public

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