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Veolia recycling -

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Has anyone experienced any issues re their blue bin/box recycling services?


I live in Hillsborough and found that my blue bin was one of at least 5 which had not been emptied today. I noticed that the collection men had attached a note to the bin stating that it contained 'other items of waste'!!!!


Looking through the contents of my bin I assume that it 'failed' due to containing yoghurt pots!


before I really go off on one can anyone give me a firm answer as to whether Veolia's recycling centres (bottle banks and large waste containers) allow for all types of food plastics?


I've heard rumours of such things happening in Fulwood and can now confirm that this is indeed happening all over Sheffield. It amounts to 'Bully boy' tactics on Veolia behalf.


The point I want to make is that if Veolia has the capability to recyle other forms of plastics at their recycling centres, why should it be any different in residential areas???????


Driving to these centres is very inconvenient and costly.


I have emptied my washed & recycle bound contents into my black bin in protest (it made me feel slightly better!!)


Thinking of writing to local MP/Veolia/Sheffield council


Can I have other peoples views please?

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I can't give you the answer but I could make some suggestions.


Not all types of plastic are recycled in the UK and these pots could be one of those types. I only recycle commercial plastics but I have read various articles on the different types/grades of plastic generated in household waste. I also know that not all sites are licenced to receive all waste streams. It could be that the site is run on an exemption for glass and metal but not plastic. I don't know the specifics in this case but just a few points for you to bring up if you want to ask them why they have done this.


It could just be that their staff have got it wrong. I complained to my council when they left some of my waste in my blue box. They had lifted a bag of textiles off the top and put them back in after taking my glass and metal cans. When I phoned to ask why they had done this as textiles were meant to be in the box the manager said he would have a word with his staff and send someone out. Their staff didn't understand the definition of textiles. I had put clean sheets, quilt covers and pillowcases in a bag which is classed as textiles. Quilts themselves are not classed as textiles so their staff had not understood waht they were supposed to collect! :o


I would give them a call to see what they say. Please do come back and tell us what answer you get.

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...Thanks for the thread.


Just had a look on their site re what can be recycled at their various centres around sheffield (pdf download from website):


PET Polyethylene terephthalate – Fizzy drink bottles and oven ready meal trays.

HDPE High-density Polyethylene – Bottles for milk and washing-up liquids

PVC Polyvinyl chloride – Food trays, cling film, bottles for squash, mineral

water and shampoo

LDPE Low density Polyethylene – Carrier bags and bin liners

PP - Margarine tubs, microwaveable meal trays


So if they are capable of recycling these materials why can we only recycle selected items in our blue bins?!!!!!!

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A cost cutting exercise would sound about right!


Yes I've always been good at separating items, putting green bottles into the green bank etc etc what more do they want!


Does anyone know what goes on inside a recycling process plant? I always imagined a conveyor belt set up with workers separating the items?????

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I would have guessed it is probably to do with the sorting of waste.


Plastic and glass will be easy to seperate but if they have to start sorting different plastics etc it may no longer be cost effective.

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A cost cutting exercise would sound about right!


Yes I've always been good at separating items, putting green bottles into the green bank etc etc what more do they want!


Does anyone know what goes on inside a recycling process plant? I always imagined a conveyor belt set up with workers separating the items?????


Some are as basic as that yes but others are very sophisticated. Companies are usually happy for you to arrange a tour around them. Ther must be pictures on the 'net. I will find some links when I have time.


Why would it be a cost cutting exercise when you get paid for plastics?

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