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Veolia recycling -

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Sheffield don't actually recycle plastics, they send them to a recycling company in Wolverhampton (according to the nice lady I spoke to today), so presumably it is they who don't have a use for microwave meal trays etc


Veolia in Sheffield DO recycle their own paper though


We used to live in Peterborough where EVERYTHING went in the recycling. Here you can't put bottle tops and suchlike in, which messes with your head a bit when you're used to everything non-compostable being recycled!

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Lol! Yes that is one solution. hide the recyclables that they choose not to collect at the bottom of the bin!!!! (two fingers up type thing!)


I don't know why this has touched such a nerve with me but considering all the sorting that we're currently doing its really infuriating to find that Veolia's employees have now been instructed to personally root around everyone's bin and punish people for putting 'non allowable' recyclable materials in them...even though on their website you CAN recycle these materials - as long as you transport them, at you're own expense and time to one of their facilities.


I take on board the earlier post about not bothering to contact Veolia regarding this. As stated I also expect that this will go on deaf ears.


I have found out that several people in fulwood have begun complaining both to their local MP (is that Nick Clegg????!!!!!) and Sheffield City Council. I would suggest that anyone else who feels strongly about this (surely not just me) should also voice their discontent

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i also got knobbled by my housemates yoghurt pots...and did exactly the same.


the yoghurt pots went in the regular bin....and the bag of recycling from our office full of drinks cans and milk bottles went on top.


only problem...the bin is almost full and theres no way it will last until the next collection :(




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....My neighbour has just popped around to complain about the bins. Apparently somebody put a chip tray in his bin (sometime between last night and this morning)


He did nothing wrong but has been victimised!!!!!


Shouldn't he be ringing Veolia or better still the council?

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....My neighbour has just popped around to complain about the bins. Apparently somebody put a chip tray in his bin (sometime between last night and this morning)


He did nothing wrong but has been victimised!!!!!


At least the rubbish wasn't just thrown on the street!

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