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Sat Nights At Lathkildale Hotel!!

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Our mobs favorite trip out(by bus) was the Leeds Arms some where out Kiveton or Wales Bar area , Dave Berry and the cruisers always seemed to be on stage on a Saturday night .


The local mafia didn't appreciate our lot descending on their patch and a rumble usually broke out on the dance floor but big Dave just kept on singing Memphis Tennessee in his usual unique style.

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Back in the good old days around the early 60s the place to go sat night for the Sheffield townlads was the Lathkildale Hotel the far side of Bakewelll.There was no breathaliser in those days to worry about,it wasn,t right but if you could hold your beer you were sound!.The place was always heaving,full of lovely girls,there was always a rock group on,good beer and good times.One group I used to like was Eddie Falcons,after closing time it was everybody back to Lin Hongs for a Ruby Murray.I wonder if any of our older Forum members ever went there and enjoyed it as much as we used to do,happy days,good memories!.:hihi::hihi::D:D
........do you remember the beef sandwiches coming round at the Latkill Tup?.......I think they were made by Tony Singelton who also sold them at the "Old Hall" pub in Hope and a few other places!........he later ran the restaurant called "Antons" in Hope! People had one of those big sarnies a few pints to wash it down and still went back for a Chinese!
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I have never been a sort of person who was envious of anyone,if someone had a better car or prettier girlfriend I thought good on yer wish it was me!.But every Sat and Sun night at Lathkildale we used to see this lad about our age and he was driving a Jaguar Mk2 3.8 and he had this beautiful girlfriend,my mates lusted after the girl and I the car!.I already had the girl but my car wasn,t in the same league,he progressed to a TVR sports car as time passed,I never got to speak with him but I must admit I was a tad envious after all!,funny remembering that from all those years ago!.

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Our mobs favorite trip out(by bus) was the Leeds Arms some where out Kiveton or Wales Bar area , Dave Berry and the cruisers always seemed to be on stage on a Saturday night .


The local mafia didn't appreciate our lot descending on their patch and a rumble usually broke out on the dance floor but big Dave just kept on singing Memphis Tennessee in his usual unique style.


Leeds arms is in south anston.

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