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Schindler lifts.

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It might have been funny in the 1940s, when Schindler was putting together his list of Jews. Perhaps - given that the elevator company was formed in the 1870s, it might have been humourous back in the war if people had pointed out that his name and his actions sounded a bit like Schindler Lifts.


But he would probably have just changed the name of his project to Schindler's collection of names, or perhaps Schindler's roll-call, given that people probably wouldn't have seen the funny side.


Just thinking off the cuff. Can you tell?


EDIT: I'm surprised that nobody in 1993 when the film was made decided to change the name, but given that Hollywood only uses the word Elevator, I blame the British film business for not pointing out the potential misunderstanding.

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Steady on Trigger!


The third person to point that out will get a free cigar.


Oh (insert rude word here), that will teach me to only post on here when sober.


Can I be the third to point it out (as well as second) so I get my cigar?



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It might have been funny in the 1940s, when Schindler was putting together his list of Jews. Perhaps - given that the elevator company was formed in the 1870s, it might have been humourous back in the war if people had pointed out that his name and his actions sounded a bit like Schindler Lifts.


But he would probably have just changed the name of his project to Schindler's collection of names, or perhaps Schindler's roll-call, given that people probably wouldn't have seen the funny side.


Just thinking off the cuff. Can you tell?


EDIT: I'm surprised that nobody in 1993 when the film was made decided to change the name, but given that Hollywood only uses the word Elevator, I blame the British film business for not pointing out the potential misunderstanding.



Perhaps,after composing his roll-call,he had to deliver it to his superiors on an upper floor and as he rode in the lift something subconciously made him change it from roll-call to list.

On a tenuously connected point,I once watched a busker playing a stringed instrument of Mediteranian origin.When he had done he packed up and left but accdientley left his instrument.I picked it up and chased after him to return it.He was very grateful an insisted on giving me a reward in the shape of a cheque for a small sum.And the name on the cheque? Ironicaly (or not),Captain Correlli.

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Perhaps,after composing his roll-call,he had to deliver it to his superiors on an upper floor and as he rode in the lift something subconciously made him change it from roll-call to list.

On a tenuously connected point,I once watched a busker playing a stringed instrument of Mediteranian origin.When he had done he packed up and left but accdientley left his instrument.I picked it up and chased after him to return it.He was very grateful an insisted on giving me a reward in the shape of a cheque for a small sum.And the name on the cheque? Ironicaly (or not),Captain Correlli.


Really?! That's a great story, one for the grandkids.


A bit like the time a few years ago I was on holiday in Jamaica. After four days sat round the pool I was getting restless and decided I needed some gentle exercise.


The barman (a nice guy called Jonny) told me there was a group which met nearby, made up mainly of elderly people who regularly did gentle stretching exercises to help build up core strength and promote general well-being.


Imagine the irony, years later, when someone brought out a film called 'Pilates of the Caribbean'.


Or something like that.

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