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The former Hammerton Street School, Darnall

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I just remembered about the Cursive writing lessons!!


Alison- Do you reacall the bean bag that someone had thrown up to the ledge where the widows were very high at the roof??


It looked like a hand hanging over the edge and we all thought it was a dead body!! :hihi:


Can remember that horrible Morris dancing and having to wear short trousers for school- Hated short trousers and won't wear them to this day!! :rant:



Biggsy :)

For being a good girl one day I was sent by miss Bancroft on an errand. I remember having to go up to staff room to help the caretaker, and go up the extra staircase that was up there leading to the storage space that run above the staff room. I was sent to find the caretaker, first going down to the boiler room (the cellar) He was not there I then saw mrs Richardson in the hall and was told he was in the toilets outside in the yard and to go and find him. I went out in to the yard went to girls toilet first ran all the way round them stood and shouted him at the boys no answer went back to the hall was now sent to the caretakers house again to be told he is in school yet again saw mrs Richardson was now told to sit on the top step on the staff room step and wait. and wait I did. it after what seemed an age there was creepy noises from above I by now was getting a bit frightened when suddenly the storage door opened and out came a brown paper mache donkeys head bloody caretaker had been up there all the time waiting for me. He then reported me to mrs Bancroft for messing around and I had to stay in during afternoon break and write as many 4 letter words as I could out of her favourite word CONSTANTINOPLE. so much for that being a treat for being good....

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URGENT APPEAL looking for any information.

Trying to find a person he was the Groomsman at a friands Wedding and they going to Celebrate there 50th Anniversary this year and it be nice if he could make the Celebrations with them.

He lived corner of Bray St fronting Staniforth Road was a butchers in the 1960's. You went up stone steps to the shop. It was run by John Bingley and his dad. In 1965 John would be about 18 yrs old then. Does Anyone know of him and his where abouts now Please thanks for reading you may contact me through Form or my Email is courtney.84@live.co.uk

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On 19/03/2013 at 23:04, Enfield said:

I was a pupil at Hammerton County School from 1960 till 66, I was born and raised on Ouseburn St which I think is now Ouseburn Croft. I vaguely remember rocking horses there, the Head Mistress was Miss Atkins and a couple of teachers I recall were Miss Bancroft and Miss Lofthouse.

So Hammerton County school is the same one as Hammerton Street school on Ouseburn Road just off Stainforth Road 

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